Haiti News | 7/7 on Haitilibre.com |

Haiti - Politic : Martelly met with political leaders of the South and the capital 12/10/2012 09:11:36 |
Wednesday, at the National Palace, the President Michel Martelly, met in a cordial atmosphere, fifty political leaders of the Southern Department. The objective of this meeting was basically to strengthen the links with them... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : Japanese donation, of 6,000 tons of fertilizer to the Ministry of Agriculture 11/10/2012 13:23:57 |
Tuesday, after recently delivered nearly 300,000 bags of rice to the Haitian Government, Japan, through its new ambassador to Haiti, Mr. Kenji Kuratomi, donated to the Ministry of Agriculture, 6,000 metric tons of fertilizer... |
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Haiti - Justice : What solutions for the CSPJ/CEP to get out the crisis ? 11/10/2012 12:47:23 |
...Me Néhémie joseph, spokesman of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) considers that the CSPJ is not responsible for the situation and that this crisis does not fall within the CSPJ... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : $53 million grant from the IDB 11/10/2012 10:15:12 |
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) yesterday announced the approval of a $53 million grant to support Haiti’s plan to upgrade the National Road #1 (RN1), and to strengthen the Ministry of Public Works and the National Ports Authority... |
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Haiti - Economy : President Martelly encourages the consumption of local products 11/10/2012 10:07:40 |
The President, expressed his strong desire to assist and support the associations, companies and institutions that promote domestic production and invited, once again, the Haitians to consume all local products... |
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Haiti - Education : Training in business diplomacy 11/10/2012 09:24:26 |
The Organization of American States, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of Investment Facilitation Centre, launched this week in Port-au-Prince, a new training course on business diplomacy... |
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Haiti - Politic : Convocation in extraordinary session of Parliament 11/10/2012 09:12:51 |
By Presidential Order dated October 9, 2012, the President Michel Martelly, convened in to the extraordinary Senators and Deputies, this Thursday, October 11. This extraordinary session will be devoted to the review and vote on acts very important... |
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Haiti - Agriculture : Modernization of irrigation system in Duqueney 10/10/2012 13:01:25 |
Located approximately 12 kilometers north of Gonaives, Duqueney is considered as one of the main granaries of the town of Gonaïves (Artibonite), in terms of agricultural production... |
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