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iciHaiti - Delmas 30 : 2 bandits fatally injured, police uniforms recovered

iciHaiti - NOTICE : PAP Fire Department, 30 candidates invited to continue the selection process (list)

iciHaiti - Qatar 2025 : Return to the country of our stadium heroes (video)

iciHaiti - World Ski Championship : Congratulations from the Minister of Sports

iciHaiti - Politic : 6 new promotions at the Ministry of the Environment

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Haiti - NOTICE : New certificate for business names and online registration application

Haiti - Commerce and Industry : Minister Monazard unveils the main points of his 2024-2025 action plan

Haiti - Economy : «The war budget» orally only

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Haiti - Politic : Parliamentary Calendar
Haiti - Politic : Parliamentary Calendar
07/04/2011 11:09:00
The final election results expected on April 16, should be published in the Official Gazette [Le Moniteur] this April 18 or 48 hours after the display by the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP)...
Haiti - Politic : Between hope and suspicion, a victory that divides...
Haiti - Politic : Between hope and suspicion, a victory that divides...
07/04/2011 10:58:43
Political and professional sectors in Haiti are shared between suspicion and hope, before the victory of Michel Martelly at the presidential elections. Some leaders of these sectors believe that Michel Martelly will not bring change...
Haïti - Reconstructions : Declarations at the Security Council
Haïti - Reconstructions : Declarations at the Security Council
06/04/2011 17:15:59
The President of Colombia has reminded that is to the Haitians to lead the reconstruction of their country, assisted by the International Community [...] Peace is not built by increasing dependency...
Haiti - Environment : Project of linear park between Dajabon and Ouanaminthe
Haiti - Environment : Project of linear park between Dajabon and Ouanaminthe
06/04/2011 13:14:46
Monday, Dominican and Haitian authorities have announced joint measures to develop eco-tourism through the creation of a linear park, linking the Dominican town of Dajabon to the city of Ouanaminthe in Haiti...
Haiti - Elections : The USA and Europe take note
Haiti - Elections : The USA and Europe take note
06/04/2011 12:23:52
The United States calls upon all political actors to resolve any outstanding questions of the electoral results through the contestation process... The European Union will continue to support Haiti in its endeavours to...
Haiti - Politic : The 49th Legislature should approve the dual citizenship
Haiti - Politic : The 49th Legislature should approve the dual citizenship
06/04/2011 12:10:32
According to Minister Parison the executive has done its job by submitting a draft constitutional reform integrating the issue of dual nationality, claimed by the Haitians who have acquired another nationality or citizens of Haitian origin...
Haiti - Elections : Youri Latourtue does not recommend to Mirlande Manigat to challenge the results
Haiti - Elections : Youri Latourtue does not recommend to Mirlande Manigat to challenge the results
06/04/2011 10:34:21
Youri Latourtue, Senator of the Artibonite member of the Collectif pour le Renouveau Haïtien (COREH) which supported the candidacy of Mirlande Manigat, has welcomed the victory of Michel Martelly and does not recommend...
Haiti - Elections : The JEOM denies the allegations of fraud made by the RDNP
Haiti - Elections : The JEOM denies the allegations of fraud made by the RDNP
06/04/2011 09:44:20
The JEOM hastened to find out if there were any grounds for these allegations and has been able to corroborate, following the publication of the preliminary results, that the excluded results sheets were indeed not taken into account...
Haiti - Elections : Speech of Michel Martelly
Haiti - Elections : Speech of Michel Martelly
05/04/2011 16:48:40 those millions of young, backbone of my campaign, I repeat my immense affection and brotherly to Mrs. Mirlande Hyppolite Manigat and to those who recognized themselves in his project, I express my deepest respect...
Haiti - Reconstruction : Tomorrow, Haiti at the heart of discussions to the Security Council
Haiti - Reconstruction : Tomorrow, Haiti at the heart of discussions to the Security Council
05/04/2011 15:34:21
Mr. Osorio has confirmed that the Head of State of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, will preside over the meeting dedicated to Haiti this April 6, President René Préval...

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