Haiti - Agriculture : Argentinian experts train Haitians 06/09/2010 14:03:32 It also stressed the importance for Haiti "to benefit from the country's cooperation programs and not conditioned by international agencies, because it does not work " With the Pro Huerta program, the Haitian delegation, will follow a training course given by technical and methodological experts from Argentina for the implementation of technology in agro-ecological self-production of food. The course will run until September 10. Japan will cooperate in the financing of the course by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Recall that the program has already helped to put into production over 13,000 vegetable plots and small family farms, focusing in particular on the production of local seeds, training and use of small production system and water supply. Julian Dominguez, the Minister of Agriculture, who attended the ceremony said that the program "Pro Huerta is a successful national experience in the field of food sovereignty" Considering that this is a very useful tool to provide appropriate responses in difficult times, "adding that Argentina has evolved from a subsistence economy to commercial practice. In this context, the Director General of International Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Julia Levi, said yesterday "was opened Unasur unit" who also work in this program to help Haiti and "gave his commitment to work in Pro Huerta. The Haitian team will visit the provinces of Buenos Aires, Tucumán and Santiago del Estero in Argentina to see how the implementation of the program, which celebrates this year its 20 years of implementation in the country where took part nearly 3.5 million people within the framework of the Plan national food safety. S / HaïtiLibre
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