Haiti - i-Vote : Results first week - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - i-Vote : Results first week
06/09/2010 14:05:29

Haiti - i-Vote : Results first week
The HaïtiLibre.com office of i-Vote lets you vote for the candidate of your choice. I-Vote record the tendency of the Internet users, it is not a formal vote. It can measure the popularity of a candidate or his political party, his ability to mobilize and relevance of the candidate, his commitments and his program. You i-Vote only once per 24 hours for the candidate of your choice (but nothing prevents you to vote once every day for your candidate or another if you change your allegiance). You can also choose from today the white vote (blank vote) to express your disapproval of the behavior of the elections in Haiti of November 28th, 2010 or if you judge that no candidate interests you.

The results of this first week ( August 29th at September 4th, 2010 ) measure primarily the popularity of the candidate and his capacity of mobilization since the electoral campaign yet officially did not start. Indeed, the Provisional electoral counsel (CEP) points out that the diffusion of messages by way of press and others is authorized only starting from October 15th and until November 26th. You will thus have to wait on October 15th so that the relevance of the candidates, their engagements and their programs can have possibly an influence in your choices.

Every Sunday we will publish the i-Vote results on the website HaïtiLibre.com with trends compared to previous scores (upward or downward). I-Votes are cumulative from August 28 to November 21, 2010 inclusive, date of publication of our latest results (one week before the electoral deadline of November 28th, 2010).

Nothing is played, all can change, it remains to you 11 weeks. Mobilize you and i-Vote for the candidate of your choice.

Notice to candidates, parties and political groupings:
Approved candidates are reminded that they can have a page on our website (biography) and a page devoted to their program or commitments. These two pages will have links in our i-Votes page under the photo of each candidate concerned. This possibility is FREE and open to all approved candidates. Contact Us.

i-Vote (french):

HL/ HaitiLibre
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