
Haiti - Justice : 3 new escapees captured in the Bahamas 28/08/2014 08:27:33
Wednesday , Cantave Estimé, Marckendy Malval and Bendy Datien, 3 escaped from the Prison of Croix-des-Bouquets
https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-11795-haiti-security-329-escapees-the-government-explains-video.html which were part of a group of 104 travelers were intercepted at sea by the Bahamian Coast Guard, a collaboration between the National Police of Haiti (PNH) and the Bahamas.
The Superior Council of the National Police (CSPN) has taken all measures to ensure that be repatriated as soon as possible to Haitian authorities, these three fugitives who tried to take refuge in the Bahamas. The Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, in his capacity as president of the CSPN, spent formal instructions to the High Command of the Police, so that it checks with the Bahamian police the identity of other passengers.
The Haitian authorities renewed once again their determination to capture, in the best time and where they hide all the other escapees from the prison of Croix-des-Bouquets so that they are back behind bars.
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre