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Haiti - Weather : The Country in state of emergency
05/11/2014 11:14:06

Haiti - Weather : The Country in state of emergency
The torrential rains that have hit many parts of Haiti since Friday have made a lot of damage in the North and West https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-12432-haiti-weather-floods-lot-of-damage-multiple-victims.html making 8 victims (last balance sheet available) and the evacuation of over 4,500 people in temporary shelters in the north, the department most affected.

Several communes of the country are flooded whose the Cap-Haitien and Cabare. The city center of Cap-Haitien, Blue Hills, Grande Rivière du Nord, Limonade, Limbé and Bahon are under water... some resident moving by boat... Roi Henri Christophe University is impractical, preventing students from attending classes since the beginning of the week. The damage at the seaside are the most important, flooded or destroyed houses, gardens under water and great loss of livestock.

On Tuesday, the majority of activities was still paralyzed, including at Cap-Haitien, Limbé, to the Borgnes and Dondon where the situation remains critical.

According to officials of civil protection, the situation is difficult in the whole of the Northern Department. However, they state that Grande-Rivière-du-Nord, Limonade, Limbé and Dondon remain the most affected by these floods.

During a press conference at the Primature, Laurent Lamothe addressed his sympathies to all affected families. "We share the pain of all the families affected by these floods," and informed that the Government had activated the national system of risk management and disaster and multiplied its initiatives to assist the affected populations.

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister chaired a major assessment meeting and announced the release of 34 million gourdes to cope with the emergency in areas affected by the weather. Government actions are coordinated by the Ministry of Interior through the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC) and departmental delegations.

The Departmental Emergency Operations (COUD) centers have been reactivated. In Cabaret the Government has already distributed 4,000 hot meals, 1,000 food kits, 400 sheets and 200 folding beds in the affected areas. Shovels, wheelbarrows and equipment for drinking water purification have been distributed.

From Wednesday, more than 6000 tablets Aquatable, thousands of food kits and thousands of hot meals will be distributed to households in the North. A ministerial delegation is scheduled to visit the Northern Department to continue the effort to aid coordination on the ground.

Réginald Delva, the Minister of Interior and Territorial Communities, said that "[...] all the government has mobilized to cope with the flooding that affects four of the ten departments of the country."

The National Meteorological Center invites people in areas at risk for greater caution "Rivers can still get flooded with flood risk. Cases of landslides and mudslides can be recorded in the coming days ", inviting the populations of the risk areas to avoid them.

SL/ HaitiLibre

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