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Haiti - Social : The Prime Minister with people with special needs
26/11/2014 11:00:05

Haiti - Social : The Prime Minister with people with special needs
On Tuesday, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, accompanied by Gérald Oriol Jr., Secretary of State for the integration of disabled people, made a solidarity visit, of inspection and distribution of materials to support persons with reduced mobility at the Haitian Institute of rehabilitation, Gérard Léon, of Bon-Repos https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-12384-haiti-health-free-specialized-services-in-physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation.html

The Prime Minister praised the dynamism of the Institute Gérard Léon that shows professionalism in performing this noble task, critical to the development of the country. He also praised the effort to integrate people with special needs, long neglected by the governments that succeeded.

On the sidelines of the visit, the head of government in press conference declared moved "[...] It is encouraging to see the contentment on the face of each person receiving care here, and with the love in which they receive such care, it goes straight into the heart."

"[...] I wanted to make this solidarity visit, to put me alongside doctors, the management team, and the disabled, and thank the Walkabout Foundation who donated to Haiti of thousands of wheelchairs https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5673-haiti-social-laurent-lamothe-congratulate-the-secretary-of-state-gerald-oriol-jr.html . Besides, I have had the opportunity to prepare one today for a child with prostheses, it makes a difference in the life of this child.

That is what we want replicate across the country, of course we can not reach everyone at the same time, the circumstances are difficult, but we have the will to reach as many disabled people as possible to give them a better life [...] Many things are made for them, there is the Kore Moun Andikape program, the program 16-6 that relocates, housing construction programs [...] is a set of actions, but we don't have all the means to make the policy we would like to do, but this visit underlines one thing, is that all the disabled who are here have not been forgotten, they all receive care and their life improves when they enter to the center.

A big tip of the hat to the Centre, for the Institute, for the Cuba-Venezuela-Brazil cooperation that gives us this center [...]"

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