Haiti - Elections : The ball of the irregularities is open 28/09/2010 09:30:53 Article 124 No person shall use the exterior walls and fences of private homes, the walls of public buildings or monuments for the purpose of electioneering under penalty of sanctions under the Penal Law. (in french Nul ne peut utiliser les murs extérieurs des clôtures et des maisons privées, les murs des édifices publics ou des monuments à des fins de propagande électorale sous peine des sanctions prévues par la Loi pénale.) Let us recall that the Councillor Ginette Chérubin had refused to sign the list of the approved candidates because it does not condone the fact that the candidates, high government officials, be approved without the certificate of discharge of the bicameral committee of Parliament. In addition, a preliminary observation report on the electoral process conducted by the National Network for the Defence of Human Rights (Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains RNDDH) and the National Election Observation (Conseil National d'Observation CNO) reported that several candidates have opened their campaign before the official date [27 September] citing Jude Celestin (INITE) and Charles Henri Baker (RESPÉ). BF/ HaitiLibre BF / HaïtiLibre
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