Haiti - Reconstruction : Progress of the urban development project in Petit-Goâve 25/01/2015 10:45:12
As part of the Integrated Project of development and urban development in Petit-Goâve, funded by the European Union and implemented by the NGO Welthungerhilfe (German Agro Action), Help (Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe) in collaboration with the City of Petit Goâve, the decentralized services of the state and the community, several actions have been taken aimed at improving the living conditions of the population in boosting the the management and socio-economic development in the Fort-liberté neighborhood and the Downtown severely affected by the January 2010 earthquake.
Two years after its launch, several interventions of this project have been completed or are at an advanced level, including :
- The preparation of the development plan of the city center and of Fort-liberté. Validated by the Interministerial Committee for Territorial Planning (CIAT) which already been the subject of several presentations (Municipal Library, Hotel Fort Royal and the Bureau of Welthungerhilfe). A territorial planning tool that established including guidelines for physical organization, social, economic and cultural of neighborhood of Fort-liberté and of Downtown ;
- Completion of studies and launching of tenders of works of rehabilitation/construction of basic infrastructure in target areas include: drainage, sanitation, drinking water supply, river security... ;
- Realization of the architectural study and calculation of Petit-Goave Central Market structures waiting to launch the call for tender of execution. At te same time discussions are continuing with the City of Petit-Goâve concerning the relocation of merchant prior to the start of construction work ;
- Awareness, training and certification of 4,320 families on safe construction techniques ;
- Training, awareness and certification of 200 boss (masons, frames, scrap dealers) on the seismic building given by trainers from the Ministry of Public Works ;
- Launch of the tender for the execution of construction works and repair of houses in late January ;
- Strengthening of 2 microenterprises "La Main divine" and LB Entreprise", respectively specialized in the manufacture of blocks vibrated and the treatment of sand ;
- Strengthening of the capacity of municipal engineering, training and equipment, together with the Administrative and Technical Directorate of the Intercommunity des Palmes (DATIP) ;
- Creation, training and equipment of two Community Intervention Team (EIC) in Percin and Belle Avenue in conjunction among others with the local Civil Protection.
HL/ HaitiLibre / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondant Petit-Goâve)