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Haiti - Reconstruction : "Better City, Better Life"
30/09/2010 13:00:19

Haiti - Reconstruction :
On the occasion of World Habitat Day 2010 which this year focuses on the theme "Better City, Better Life", UN-Habitat, the Réseau Haïtien d’Habitat Salubre and United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) organize a talk about reconstruction, at the Hotel Le Plaza, Port-au-Prince, on Monday, October 4, 2010, from 10:00 am to noon, in the presence of several government ministers.

Will this activity be marked by three presentations entitled respectively "Where goes Port-au-Prince? Between the dream and reality", "The reconstruction of the districts with the communities", "Reconstruction for whom and by whom" Animated exchanges will follow these talks.

In this talk, UN-Habitat, the Réseau Haïtien d’Habitat Salubre and the UNFPA want to present to the general public and participants in particular a number of initiatives and activities related to post-earthquake reconstruction and that would rebuild better cities and neighborhoods to improve the living conditions of the population. "Better think the city is the only way to provide citizens of new urban areas of our planet a better life", says Ms. Inga Bjork-Klevby, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Deputy Executive Director in charge of Recalling that UN-Habitat: improving the quality of life, investment in human capital, encouraging sustainable economic opportunities, the improvement of political integration and promotion of cultural integration are the five strategic actions to be taken into account.

Message from the UN on the occasion of the World Habitat Day 2010
In a world becoming increasingly urbanized, the World Habitat Day provides an annual opportunity to reflect on what we can do to improve our cities in the interest of all. With the theme "Better City, Better Life", celebrating this year highlights the measures and policies likely to improve the welfare of the billion people who, throughout the world live in slums or other homes do not meet minimum standards of habitability.

Generally younger than 25 years, the urban poor are mostly excluded and powerless and live in developing countries. Too often, they are condemned to live a life where there are neither human rights nor hope of receiving an education or get a decent job. Drinking water, electricity, sanitation and health care is lacking, they suffer from deprivation, which too often is the spark that ignited the powder and are causing social unrest. Vulnerable to exploitation and corruption, they are entitled to expect the cities and the better life they need.

The problems of urban poverty - ranging from pollution to the gang culture - are not insurmountable. Many cities find satisfactory solutions. Smart cities are recognizing the importance of good governance, urban basic services for all and streets and public spaces where women and children feel safe. They also know that better cities can help mitigate threats such as global climate change by promoting energy conservation and sustainability from the perspective of the environment.

Creating Better Cities requires states, local governments, civil society and the private sector work together and that the UN and its agencies do not spare them for their support. On this World Habitat Day, let us resolve to unite our forces for better cities offering everyone a better future.

The Secretary General of the UN

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