Haiti - Agriculture : Coffee sector development plan (2015-2025) 16/03/2015 13:23:26
The National Institute of Haiti's Café (INCAH) a public body, independent nonprofit, created by presidential decree of 7 February 2003, under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR) has the overall responsibility to contribute to the development of the coffee sector, while ensuring the improvement of living conditions of the people working there. In accordance with strategic directions of the national coffee sector development policy, the Institute is an interface between the various stakeholders in the sector.
Grand axes of development of the coffee sector (2015-2015) :
- Production renovation 60% of the current orchard (12 million coffee seedlings and5 million trees covers (sugary melon, saman, citrus, banana) to produce each year ;
- Integrated control against rust (Hemileia vastatrix) and the beetle cherries ;
- Training and Research (establishment and strengthening technical school; partnerships with institutions of training and national and international research center ;
- Commercialization and marketing (regulation of cross-border trade, supply growth markets (special and gourmet markets)) ;
Governance: Best coordination of interventio of actors taking into account the Haitian Development Plan of the coffee sector (strengthening INCAH and of producer organizations).
Résultats attendus (2015-2015) :
- Renovation of 60,000 coffee plots ;
- Increased yield of 250 kg / ha to 500 kg / ha (900,000 bags of 60 kg of annual production) ;
- Training of 600 technicians ;
- Training of 400 responsible for producer networks ;
- Strengthening of 3 Research Centres ;
- Establishment of 3 partnerships with training institutions established with INCAH ;
- Commercialization of 240,000 coffee bags/year on the national market ;
Commercialization of 106,000 bags / year on the market of the Dominican Republic ;
- Exports of 60,000 bags / year on special markets and gourmet ;
- Governance: Interventions in the coffee sector of NGOs and other local and international stakeholders coordinated by INCAH ;
- Strengthening of 5 producer networks.
Means and Strategies :
Subsidies and appropriate credits; consolidation of land; Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); big awareness on the strategic role of the coffee sector in the economy and the protection of the environment of the country.
Also, remember that for the Campaign 2013-2014 the INCAH had distributed 1,500 lbs of coffee rust resistant seeds, making it possible to prepare 1.5 million seedlings through the large coffee areas affected by the coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix).
For the 2014-2015 season, 1 million seedlings are being prepared. INCAH distributed 1,000 lbs of rust resistant seeds; 1 million jars of nurseries and 30 rolls of Sarans for shade structures.
The first results show that this support truly respond to the expectations of organizations and producers. INCAH asks to initiators and project managers in the coffee sector, to follow the lead and integrate this renovation strategy of coffeemakers plots, as main activities in their agenda.
HL/ HaitiLibre