Haiti - FLASH : The CEP rejected Jacky Lumarque of party VERITE, of the presidential race - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : The CEP rejected Jacky Lumarque of party VERITE, of the presidential race
19/06/2015 19:34:16

Haiti - FLASH : The CEP rejected Jacky Lumarque of party VERITE, of the presidential race
The Provisional Electoral Council has decided to remove from the list of presidential candidates the candidate and friend of former President René Préval, Jacky Lumarque which was under the banner of party "VERITE" and despite that he won his challenge to the National Office of Electoral Litigation (BCEN).

"The Provisional Electoral Council informs the population in general and political parties in particular, that Mr Jacky Lumarque was removed from the list of approved candidates to participate in the presidential elections of 25 October and 27 December 2015, for absence of discharge of its management as Coordinator of the Working Group on Education and Training (GTEF), in violation of Article 90 of the Electoral Decree, paragraph (h).

The Council, in its mission to ensure strict compliance with the Electoral Decree, following the correspondence emanating from leaders of political parties and after analysis, has consequently decided to remove Mr. Jacky Lumarque from the electoral race."

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