Haiti - FLASH : Ransacking of polling stations, several voting centers closed, the tension rises - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Ransacking of polling stations, several voting centers closed, the tension rises
09/08/2015 10:54:43

Haiti - FLASH : Ransacking of polling stations, several voting centers closed, the tension rises
This Sunday, after a difficult start of the first round of legislative, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-14780-haiti-flash-bad-start-delay-confusion-fraud-and-violence.html the situation, far from back to normal continues to deteriorate, violent incidents multiply without that one knows whether the authorities will manage to regain control...

In the West department, throwing stones were noted in the National School Colombie voting center.

The Mergé voting center is closed temporarily, the political party representatives without mandates are very angry.

Several voting center throughout the capital were forced to close, the ballot papers were torn and equipment destroyed.

In Carrefour, voters come to the polling stations with backpack without being searched ...!

In many voting centers there are more political party representatives than voters...

In Cité-Soleil, it was reported that individuals attempt to manipulate voters.

To the voting center Stade Sylvio Cator, some people have reported tensions in the queue.

The voting center Isidor Boisrond where throwing stones and looting had been made this morning is closed after new throwing stones and bottles https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-14780-haiti-flash-bad-start-delay-confusion-fraud-and-violence.html

In high school Jacques 1st of Croix-des-Bouquets a man voted with his license!

At the Lycée Pétion-ville operations are proceeding normally, the presidential family is expected, however, members of polling stations prevented representatives of political parties to vote. These agents, armed with their mandates and CIN, threaten to disrupt the election.

Employees of the Argentine Bellegarde voting Centre hurriedly left the scene after the violence. The Centre is now closed and can not reopen for lack of staff!

To the voting center Jean-François Cauvin, elections are canceled...

In Arcahaie, shots were recorded, ransacked polling stations and the Centre closed...

In Artibonite, in aint-Marc voting has not begun in several voting centers for lack of polling station members and in Centers opened few voters.

To Gonaives calm reigns in the 34 polling centers but few voters...

In the department of Grand'Anse, scuffle between members of polling stations of Wozo and political party representatives, took place.

In high school Nord Alexis of Jerémie a man was arrested with multiple ballots.

In Jérémie on 3 voting center 2 are already closed.

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