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Haiti - Politic : Generous severance pay for the government
30/10/2015 10:13:56

Haiti - Politic : Generous severance pay for the government
At the time of their departure from the Government in 2016, members of the Executive, Ministers and State Secretaries will be richer than at their entry into service of the Nation. Indeed, a presidential decree published in the #193 of the official newspaper "Le Moniteur", dated October 8, 2015 (amending that of 23 November 2005), signed by the President Martelly, Prime Minister Paul Evans and the Minister of Planning, Yves Germain Joseph, grants to beneficiaries, in addition to customs exemptions and other state support, a bonus of 2.5 million gourdes each of the outgoing ministers and 2 million to each of the Secretary of State.

Reacting to this decree, Senator Steven Benoit, candidate for president under the banner of the platform "Konviksion" says that this is an illegal decision, which aims to plunder the public treasury...

Text of the decree, Moniteur #193 :

"Article 1.- The liquidation of the Civil Retirement Pension is automatic for any former Head of State or Government the month following the month of the transfer of power.

Article 2.- A former Head of State or Government has:

a) A Secretariat;

b) A Close Security Service

c) Adequate transportation.

Article 3.- The running costs of the Secretariat and of Close Security Service and maintenance expenses of vehicles placed at the disposal of the former Head of State or Government are the responsibility of the State.

Article 4.- It is granted to former Ministers and Secretaries General of the Presidency, Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister :

a) A aervice separation allowance of Two Million Five Hundred Miles gourdes (Gdes 2,500,000.00)

b) A customs exemption for a vehicle for personal use;

c) A support by the State of two security officers for a period of six months.

Article 5.- It is granted to former Secretaries of State :

a) A service separation allowance of two million gourdes (Gdes 2.000.000,00);

b) A customs exemption for a vehicle for personal use;

c) A support by the State of two security officers for a period of three months.

Article 6.- The Ministers, Secretaries General of the Presidency, Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister and State Secretaries, aged fifty-eight years at most, and that provided a minimum of 25 years of service to the state, receive an additional life annuity which will allow them to receive their full emoluments of "Grands Commis"

Articles 7.- The privileges mentioned in Article 2 of this Decree extend over a period of five (5) consecutive years at the end of the mandate.

In what refers to former Heads of Government, the period extends over a period of two (2) years

Article 8.- This Decree will be printed, published and performed at the behest of the Minister of Economy and Finance [...]"

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