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Haiti - News : Electoral Zapping...
19/01/2016 12:16:19

Haiti - News : Electoral Zapping...
3 electoral offices burnt, 3 others attacked
According to police sources, many unknown set fire on the evening of January 17 to 18 to 3 electoral offices in the North "Unidentified people set fire to 3 electoral offices in Limbe, Grande Rivière du Nord and Milot," the three offices burned were not completely destroyed thanks to the quick response of witnesses who extinguished the flames. At least three other offices were attacked with stones and other objects. No suspects have been arrested.

Gerardo de Icaza, the Mission Director of the Electoral Observation of the Organization of American States (OAS-EOM), said "The EOM-OAS deplores and condemns the acts of violence against the CEP, which occurred last night in 3 BEC of North. Violence, in all its forms has no place in a democracy. The EOM urges players to reject and to act calmly."

New chicanery in the Protestant community
While Haiti's Protestant Community proposed Pastor Lucien Métédieu https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16340-haiti-flash-the-protestant-community-proposes-a-new-electoral-adviser.html as a substitute to Vijonet Déméro to the CEP, the Protestant Federation of Haiti (FPH) categorically denies this decision. FPH claims to have not chosen a person yet to represent the Protestant sector in the CEP, it continues its work of mediation with the various protagonists. The decision to appoint a new member will be made based on the evolution of the process of dialogue that has recently begun.

Electoral violence in Port-au-Prince
On Monday, thousands of people, responding to the call of the opposition (G8 mobilization table), protested violently in the center of Port-au-Prince against the holding of the second round of presidential elections they consider fraudulent in advance. The demonstrators opposed to the Martelly government, have blocked some of the main streets of downtown with stones and barricades of burning tires, while throwing stones and other objects on private vehicles, causing significant damage. The demonstration, which has reached the vicinity of the Parliament, was strongly framed by the police. Another day of protest is planned for this Tuesday.

6 of the 10 Haitian observation organizations desist
In a letter addressed to the President of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), the Collective of December 4 announced its refusal to participate as an observer in the elections of Sunday, January 24 estimating inadequate the electoral context. Note that a set of national observation organizations in Haiti namely : the Conseil d’Observation Electorale (CNO), the Conseil Haïtien des Acteurs non Etatiques (CONHANE), the Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains (RNDDH) gathered around the Coalition of Electoral Observation ; the Plateforme des Organisations Haïtiennes des Droits Humains (POHDH) and the Commission Episcopale Nationale Justice et Paix also announced that they do not observe the elections scheduled January 24, 2016, "that the CEP wants to pass for elections." Bringing the total to 6 of 10 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16339-haiti-news-electoral-zapping.html the number of accredited Haitian organizations, refusing to carry out their mission on 24 January.

The Adviser Joseph Jaccéus remain in function but
The adviser Jaccéus Joseph, informs Pierre-Louis Opont, the President of the Provisional Electoral Council that "Following our conversation [...] around my possible participation in the electoral process and after discussions with some organizations of human rights sector, I decide not to take part to the preparations for the January 24, 2016," adding that until a final decision I "would reply negatively to requests by the Council on the deployment of my team on the ground as part of the electoral process."

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