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Haiti - Elections : OAS Special Mission in Haiti this Sunday
29/01/2016 10:56:45

Haiti - Elections : OAS Special Mission in Haiti this Sunday
The Special Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS) to Haiti will arrive in Port-au-Prince this Sunday, headed by the Chair of the OAS Permanent Council Representative of Antigua and Barbuda, Ronald Sanders.

The Mission will also include Leonidas Rosa Bautista, Permanent Representative to the OAS, former Foreign Minister and Attorney General of Honduras; Sonia Johnny, former Permanent Representative of Saint Lucia to the OAS; Gabriel Bidegain, Principal Political Adviser to the Secretary General of the OAS; and Steven Griner, Director of the Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions of the OAS. They will be supported by Frederic Bolduc, Special Representative of the OAS Secretary General in Haiti.

The Mission, requested by the President of Haiti, Michel Martelly, and established by the Permanent Council in its meeting on Thursday, January 27, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16441-haiti-flash-martelly-solicits-the-oas-as-mediator-in-the-crisis.html aims to collaborate in reaching an understanding among Haitians, following the recent suspension of the second round of presidential elections https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16394-haiti-flash-elections-of-january-24-are-canceled-update-7h10-pm.html . The Mission will establish a dialogue with the main political and social representatives in Haiti.

The Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, said the solution "must be agreed by Haitians," and asked President Martelly and the President of the Senate Jocelerme Privert that the mechanism of government adopted at the conclusion of the mandate of President Martelly on February 7 be endorsed by the Supreme Court and that it remain in place as short a time as possible.

After its work in Port-au-Prince is concluded, the Mission will present a report to the Permanent Council of the OAS.

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