Haiti - Culture : Passing away of singer Eric Charles - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Culture : Passing away of singer Eric Charles
26/02/2016 08:28:25

Haiti - Culture : Passing away of singer Eric Charles
The composer, guitarist and legendary singer of MIZIK MIZIK, Eric Charles (51) died at the Hospital Bernard Mevz, suites of Cerebral Vascular Accident (stroke), Thursday, February 25, 2016, at 3:00 am.

Eric Charles began his musical career within the formation SIWO of Miragoâne and then join the DIPI Express group and finally MIZIK MIZIK. From his voice, he graced us with songs of love, comfort, commitment, social satires such as "Black Out", "Sa poun fè", "Je vais...", "Ayizan".

Words of sympathy :

Ministry of Culture :
"The Ministry of Culture welcomed with infinite pain the premature departure for the afterlife of Eric Charles [...]
While welcoming his inevitable musical memory and his immense talent and phenomenal, the Ministry of Culture took the opportunity to say thank you for his contribution to the emancipation of Haitian music in general, Compass, in particular. Rest in peace !"

Michel Martelly :
"I welcome departure for beyond of my musician brother Eric Charles."

Jovenel Moïse :
"I salute the memory of this great artist that was Eric Charles. Featuring an extraordinary capacity building, all generations have been affected by his voice, his simplicity and authenticity. I extend to his family, relatives, fans and all Haitian musicians, especially those of Mizik-Mizik, my condolences. Rest in peace !"

Simon Dieuseul Desras
"He had a voice. A foundation for the poor. My sympathies to the family of Eric Charles and Mizik Mizik."

Bureau Haïtien du Droit d’Auteur (BHDA) :
"All our sympathies to the family, colleagues and fans of the famous singer Erick Charles died this mornin..."

Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, Minister of Tourism :
"A special thought to the talented singer Eric Charles, tenor of Haitian music. I extend my sympathies to his bereaved family."

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