Haiti - Elections : Campaign promises of Moïse Jean-Charles 31/08/2016 11:43:50
Sunday, Moïse Jean-Charles, presidential candidate under the banner "Pitit Dessalines" officially launched his campaign in the town of Arcahaie, front of thousands of activists and supporters cheering.
In his first campaign day, Moïse Jean Charles, as usual has not done in half measures in terms of promises to the satisfaction of an audience acquired to his cause.
Many promises, ambitious, generous and especially electoralist facing the economic situation of Haiti.
Promises of Moïse Jean Charles :
- He promises to restore economic independence of Haiti ;
- He promises to lift Haiti out of the quagmire, in which it is ;
- He allows to realize the dream of Raymonde Estimé (daughter of Dumarsais Estimé) to give Haiti one of the largest universities in the Caribbean ;
- He promises to build universities throughout the national territory ;
- He promises to launch domestic production in the Artibonite department, 4 days after taking office ;
- He promises food autonomy ;
- He promises to encourage investment in order to decrease the unemployment rate ;
- He promises the creation of a credit bank for professionals;
- He promises to double the salaries of PNH officers ;
- He promises a credit housing project for teachers ;
HL/ HaitiLibre