
Haiti - Religion : Pope Francis wants that violence ceases to Port-au-Prince 05/09/2016 09:32:39
Sunday, after the Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square of Roma and thanks to all who attended the canonization Mass of Mother Teresa, the Pope Francis wanted to pay a tribute to the sisters missionarie and especially to sister Isabelle shot dead by bullets Friday to Port-au-Prince towards whom going his prayers.
"I want to pay tribute to those who give themselves at the service of others in difficult and risky environments," Pope Francis said, citing as example the nuns "that give their lives without care [...] I think particularly to the Spanish missionary sister, Sister Isabelle, which was murdered two days ago in the capital of Haiti, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-18507-haiti-flash-a-nun-shot-dead-in-port-au-prince.html a country so experienced," stressed Pope Francis, who wishes "that ceases such acts of violence and that there is more security" in the country before concluding "Let us remember those other sisters who recently have suffered violence in other countries."
HL/ HaitiLibre