Haiti - Epidemic : Cholera and political crisis, the situation in Haiti 13/12/2010 11:41:29 The epidemiological evidence that the crisis has also affected the operation of Group Health because the meetings were postponed several times. Working from their dwelling places, staff from PAHO / WHO is still operational and maintained communication with the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) and key partners by phone and email. In addition, several new outbreaks of cholera were reported and taken in hand by early intervention. Since the outbreak of cholera has appeared in the country (October 19, 2010), 97.595 people were infected and treated, 46.749 people were hospitalized and 2.193 people died. According to the most recent assessment of MSPP, dated December 6, 2010. Significant figures, but largely underestimated by the government according to health experts from the UN, who believe that these figures could be double those published. West : A Cholera Treatment Centre (CTC) of 45 beds was opened in Grand Goave last week by the Swiss and Norwegian Red Cross. This facility can be expanded to 80 beds if needed. Red Cross (RC - Switzerland) also provides staff to Médecins du Monde-Switzerland until the end of February 2011, including doctors, nurses, and a logistics specialist of WASH. CHAPI health center, located in the heart of Cité Soleil, is supported by Médecins du Monde Canada and the French Red Cross. CHAPI is operational 24 hours on 24 and continues to provide day and night treatment of cholera patients. MdM Canada plans 26 additional persons for overnight services. The French Red Cross helps the UTC with materials and decontamination service on motorcycles. The 18th Community brigade, will circulate for the activities of cleansing and decontamination in the neighborhood of CHAPI. Save the Children currently operates three Cholera Treatment Unit (UTC). One is Maissade in the Central Plateau and two are located in Gaston Margon and Delmas 56, which are parts of Port-au-Prince. A fourth UTC should open in Port-au-Prince early next week, with a current target of 16 UTC in total. Plans are in place to build a Leogane UTC (West). Once the security situation in Port-au-Prince will be stabilized, Medecins du Monde (MDM - Canada) is ready to open 17 community stations of Oral Rehydration (PRO), which will be managed by community members in five areas: Belekou in Bois Neuf, Boston, Fort Dimanche and Waf Sun. Twelve PRO will be opened in the following camps in which four mobile clinics circulate: Annexe à la Marie, Aral 45, Athlétique I, Athlétique II, Bas Fontaine, Centre Pilote, Fontaine Drouillard, La Couronne, Parc Barbancourt, Parc Cheval, Sarthe 55 et Village Rapatriés. Central Department: n the Central Department, there were no major security problems in the city of Hinche. In coordination with the Ministry of Health, PAHO/WHO has trained the CLC support staff on the disinfection measures and also visited the UTC in rural communities near the border with the Dominican Republic. Artibonite : In Gonaives, there were restrictions of movement for UN staff due to the unstable security situation. The equipment required has been given to the Cuban Medical Brigade to Capiti, near Gonaïves, in response to the increasing number of cases. South : In Les Cayes, there were restrictions of movement and all the UN staff was required to remain at the base. The situation continues to be unstable. Some staff were evacuated from Les Cayes except staff of PAHO/WHO and UNICEF. The Cuban Medical Brigade, has a greater need for medical supplies in Saint Louis because of the increased number of cholera cases. MSF partners who work in Les Cayes were also reported an increase in medical needs. Field teams of PAHO/WHO collaborated with the MSPP and MSF to conduct inspections of cases that are developing at the île à Vache. North : In Cap Haitien, the UN staff are required to stay in their hotels with limited freedom of movement. There will be a meeting with Minustah to determine the level of security. The security situation has created difficulties for the construction of PRO newly planned in the communities. The partners have asked for materials to build a UTC at Plaine du Nord in preparation for the increased cases of cholera. There is an increased number of patients and deaths but the exact number has not been notified because of the unstable security situation. The warning system indicated a possible outbreak of cholera in a town of Ranquitte. Grande-Anse : The situation was relatively calm in Jérémie, Dame Marie and Anse d'Hainaut. However, there have been difficulties in bringing supplies to Grand Anse because of the roadblock. Minustah is currently working to deliver supplies to the Department. The MSPP is planning to send a team to the epidemiological for the investigation of cases. See also: https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1898-haiti-epidemic-risk-of-worsening-of-cholera-in-the-metropolitan-area.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1882-haiti-humanitarian-the-chaos-in-haiti-affect-swiss-ngos.html HL / S / Groupe Santé Haïti
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