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Haiti - FLASH : France will host 100 Haitian scholars per year
15/12/2016 09:54:48

Haiti - FLASH : France will host 100 Haitian scholars per year
Wednesday, Claude Bartolone, the President of the French National Assembly, Jean Baden Dubois, the Governor of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH), the deputy Jerry Tardieu, President of the Group Haiti-France, and his counterpart Matthieu Hanotin of the Group France-Haiti signed an agreement aimed at awarding excellence scholarships to Haitian students whose first promotion will be financed by the BRH.

This agreement aims to grant scholarships of excellence to Haitians to complete their studies in the best universities and schools of France as of September 2017, France will start hosting 100 Haitian scholarship holders per year for master's studies.

For the President of the French National Assembly, these scholarships awarded to young Haitians constitute a praiseworthy gesture "We have entered a new world where cooperations must be oriented more than ever towards the future [...] For the ggenerations to come, it is not having a beautiful car that will be the most important, but education, housing, health [...]"

For his part, Jean Baden Dubois is proud to be a partner in this project. "At the BRH level we have a culture of excellence and we also have this practice of helping young Haitians to become savvy intellectuals who can reflect on the serious problems of the country."

"These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of merit," says Ronald Gabriel. Member of BRH's board of directors.

The opening of applications for these Excellence Scholarships is expected to begin in January 2017 and could first be handled by the French Embassy in Haiti through its space Campus France in Port-au-Prince.

To be continued...

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