Haiti - Elections : Verifications at the CTV, the tone rises, nothing advances or almost... - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Elections : Verifications at the CTV, the tone rises, nothing advances or almost...
22/12/2016 12:10:44

Haiti - Elections : Verifications at the CTV, the tone rises, nothing advances or almost...
Wednesday, the second day of verification at the Votes Tabulation Centre (CTV), the situation is increasingly tense and the tone is rising and lack of restraint between the lawyers and representatives of the protesters and the Electoral Court on the one hand and the lawyers and representatives of the PHTK on the other hand...

The protesting parties multiply the demands for verification and control, lingering to the slightest detail, interrupted by repeated objections and accusations, causing a form of obstruction and considerable delay. So of the 360 minutes submitted by LAPEH barely a fortnight were checked at 6 p.m. after having started in the morning... at this rate it will take many days to check the PV of LAPEH, before starting to check more than 1,000 PV randomly... while it only remains 8 days before the publication of the final results...

The representatives of the PHTK accuse the complaining parties of wanting to deliberately delay the process while the 3 protesting parties camp on their position until provoking a strong irritation of the judge Jean Simon St Hubert, which has been subjected to numerous verbal attacks, including some veiled threats, notably from former Senator Yvon Feuillé, one of the representatives of Famni Lavalas. A judge exasperated by the intransigence of Famni Lavalas who makes no compromise but just the opposite...

As for the conclusions of the verifications they are totally different depending if we listening to the complainants or the PHTK. Thus on the 27 PV submitted Tuesday by Moïse Jean-Charles of "Pitit Dessalin" the PHTK sees only 6 of incorrect while "Ptiti Dessalin" sees 18...

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