Haiti - FLASH : Unlimited strike in 19 hospitals, MSF is overwhelmed - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Unlimited strike in 19 hospitals, MSF is overwhelmed
31/12/2016 10:15:17

Haiti - FLASH : Unlimited strike in 19 hospitals, MSF is overwhelmed
The new strike began at the Hospital of the State University of Haiti (HUEH) on 5 December and extended to the country's 19 public hospitals on 12 December 2016 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19531-haiti-health-new-strike-in-public-hospitals.html has reached an ultimate stage. In agreement with the 19 public hospitals, an unlimited strike was launched which touched the most disadvantaged stata of the population.

At the beginning of December, Daphne Benoît Delsoin, the Minister of Health had announced to the ex-strikers the impossibility for its Ministry to respect the commitments made during the last strikes that lasted nearly 6 months and made several victims, faults of having finding the financial resources in the Public Treasury...

Strikers who no longer accept false promises demand respect for the commitments made by the Ministry under the August agreement https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-18474-haiti-health-strike-ends-for-medical-residents.html

In hospitals or clinics where they are absent, few medical staff are present, but most services are dysfunctional and some are closed. Sick people without financial resources to seek treatment in a private hospital, are left to their fate, some between life and death...

The consequences of this strike cause a significant displacement of the patients in particular to the emergencies of the Center of the organization of Médecin sans Frontière (MSF). The Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Center for Traumatology and Emergency Surgery (MSF), located in Tabarre, informs the population that it is overwhelmed by the influx of patients coming to it in recent days. Since mid-December, 121 hospital beds have been continuously filled. Because of the strike in progress, our center is unable to refer less severe cases to decongest its services, explains the medical direction.

Despite its four operating theaters and operation 24/24, the center can not admit all patients with an emergency. It should be remembered that the Center of Tabarre supports the victims of road accidents, the wounded by bullets and weapons, victims of domestic accidents and those requiring emergency surgery. Since the capacity of the center is limited, the medical team is obliged to sort patients in order to manage the most severely affected.

Since December, the center receives an average of 50 new patients per day. More than 90% of these cases are victims of trauma. At the same time, the hospital receives in ambulatory, for bandages, and consultations, about 150 patients daily.

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