Haiti - FLASH : Americans attacked, houses burned down ! 11/01/2017 07:48:39
Missionaries and foreign workers mostly American from an orphanage in southern Haiti were attacked by unidentified individuals, supporters of elected Senator Guy Phillipe, arrested and extradited to the United States on 5 January for federal charges of cocaine trafficking and money laundering between 1997 and 2003 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19721-haiti-flash-senator-guy-philippe-extradited-to-the-usa.html
Moreover, according to the information available, individuals burned the homes of American missionaries, chanting death threats. The Americans had their lives saved thanks to the intervention of the authorities of Jérémie (South).
The situation in the South of the country which remains very tense since January 6, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19757-haiti-flash-violent-reprisals-of-guy-philippe-s-supporters.html has forced the deployment of special brigades of the Haitian National Police (PNH) from Port-au-Prince, the municipal authorities in the relevant departments, not having enough staff to protect in the long term the persons concerned.
At the judicial level, information is circulating that the lawyer of Senator Guy Philippe, Richard Dansohva could invoke at the arraignment hearing in the United States on Thursday, January 13, 2017, the immunity enjoyed by his client https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19731-haiti-flash-guy-philippe-the-charges-are-known-appearing-on-january-13-2017.html . To this end, he should go to Haiti to gather the documents to support his pleadings.
See also :
SL/ HaitiLibre