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Haiti - Environment : Nature Reserve in Haiti to the UNESCO agenda
11/06/2017 10:08:23

Haiti - Environment : Nature Reserve in Haiti to the UNESCO agenda
New biosphere reserves will be designated at the next session of the International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme, which will meet at the headquarters of the Organization from 12 to 15 June.

Let's recall that the biosphere reserves are areas comprising terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems. Managed in concertation with local communities, they test ways to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with economic development and the sustainable use of resources.

During this session, the International Coordinating Council will decide on new biosphere reserves and existing reserves extensions.

A total of 28 new proposals were received from 22 countries : Benin, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Germany, Haiti, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, Niger, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Russian Federation, Serbia, Sudan, South Africa and Togo.

The World Network of Biosphere Reserves numbers 669 sites in 120 countries and 16 that straddle national borders.

Learn more about the Man and the Biosphere Programme :
The Man and the Biosphere Programme was created by UNESCO in the early 1970s as an intergovernmental scientific endeavour to improve relations between people around the world and their natural environment. Biosphere reserves are places for learning about sustainable development aiming to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with the sustainable use of natural resources. New reserves are designated each year by the International Co-ordinating Council of the Programme, which brings together elected representatives of 34 UNESCO Member States.

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