Haiti - Diaspora : Money transfers accounted for 33.6% of Haiti's GDP - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Diaspora : Money transfers accounted for 33.6% of Haiti's GDP
13/02/2018 10:12:48

Haiti - Diaspora : Money transfers accounted for 33.6% of Haiti's GDP
According to a study by the Inter-American Dialogue Center on the transfer of funds to 16 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Haiti would have received transfers estimated at nearly US $ 2.2 billion, or 33.6% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), ranking first in countries where transfers exceed 10% of GDP; in the Top 5: Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Jamaica and Guatemala.

The amount of transfers to Haiti (33% of GDP) exceeds contributions to the economy of the agricultural sector (21.9%) or industry (20.8%). ± 1.3 billion of the transfers came from about 670,000 Haitians resident in the United States, the rest came from other countries where the Haitian diaspora is important, Canada (± 260 million dollars), Chile (± 87 million) , Dominican Republic (± 270 million), France (± 190 million) and the rest of the world ± 88 million.

It should be noted that the flow of these remittances could be slightly downgraded in the future as a result of the Trump Administration's decision to terminate the Temporary Protection Status (TPS). https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-22759-haiti-flash-tps-more-than-50-000-haitians-will-have-to-leave-the-usa.html a decision that threatens to expel from the US nearly 58,000 of our compatriots.

TOP 5 as % of GDP 2017 :

Haiti :
In 2017, the transfer of funds received by Haiti amounted to $ 2.2 billion, or 33.6% of its GDP

Honduras :
In 2017, remittances received by Honduras amounted to $ 4.3 billion, or 19.5% of its GDP.

El Salvador :
In 2017, remittances received by El Salvador amounted to $ 5.01 billion, or 18.3% of its GDP.

Jamaica :
In 2017, remittances received by Jamaica amounted to $ 2.3 billion or 16.7% of its GDP.

Guatemala :
In 2017, remittances sent to Guatemala amounted to about $ 8.192 billion, or 14% of GDP.

Note that the Dominican Republic received in transfer of funds 5.9 billion dollars evening 7.8% of its GDP.

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