
Haiti - Justice : 3 years of preventive detention for a stolen phone ! 27/03/2018 09:42:25
As part of its fight against prolonged pre-trial detention, the South-East Departmental Direction (DDSE) of the Office of the Protection of the Citizen (OPC) seized last March 20 the file of a prisoner incarcerated in preventive detention for three years at the prison of Jacmel for having stolen a phone, without ever being tried.
The Departmental Direction intervened with the Government Commissioner on this case which ordered the release of the detainee the same day...
In addition, on March 23, the team of the Departmental Direction South (DDS) of the OPC led by Mr. Pierre Roldy Maurice in collaboration with the judicial authorities of Les Cayes, 7 detainees in prolonged preventive detention, were released from the Prison of Les Cayes.
These releases were made after careful analysis of their cases by a Committee for combating prolonged pre-trial detention, composed of the DDS of the OPC, a representative of the Civil Society, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Court of First Instance (TPI) OF Les Cayes.
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre