
Haiti - Politic : Exodus of Haitians, the youth questions the «complicit silence» of the Executive ! 04/09/2018 09:13:40
The Observatory of Haitian Youth (OJH) has noted for several years a massive departure of young people to countries in Latin America, including Chile where they are tens of thousands https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-23276-haiti-flash-nearly-105-000-haitians-arrived-in-chile-in-2017.html .
In its latest note on the socio-economic and political situation, the Observatory notes "[...] to its astonishment, that since his accession to the presidency, the Head of State Jovenel Moïse has never really addressed this problem in order to take special measures to remedy it. This complicit silence pushes the platform to believe that pushing young people out of the country is part of the current executive's political strategy."
The OJH recalls that since the arrival of the Chilean President Sebastián Piñera, the situation of our compatriots is complicated. Faced with this situation the Under Secretary of the Interior Rodrigo Ubilla has been instructed by President Piñera to develop a voluntary return plan for Haitians to be presented during this month of September https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-25395-haiti-flash-chile-announces-voluntary-return-plan-for-haitians.html
However, the State of Haiti seems not informed of this situation or prefers to remain silent in the face of this new crisis...
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre