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Haiti - News : Zapping...
06/12/2018 10:45:43

Haiti - News : Zapping...
A DJ shot dead
Monday at Savane Chatte (5th communal section of Gros-Morne), the DJ Roosevelt Exius (38 years old) who animated a party, was shot dead by an unidentified individual who came looking for him after his performance. His lifeless body was found Tuesday morning.

The Deputy Printemps Bélizaire convened by justice
As part of the disappearance of the photo-journalist, Vladjimir Legagneur, the judge Jean Wilner Morin convened as witnesses, this Wednesday, December 6, the Deputy Printemps Bélizaire (Fanmi Lavalas) to be auditioned. However, the Member informed the Judge that he will not be able to attend, being on an official trip to Canada, but is willing to answer the justice.

Canada : 168 Haitians evicted
From April 1 to November 15, 2018, Canada expelled 168 Haitians, according to data provided by the Canada Border Services Agency. Remember that in September 2018, the number of rejected asylum applications amounted to 32,173 all nationalities combined, but mostly Haitian. See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26222-haiti-flash-canada-resumes-expulsion-of-haitians.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-25494-haiti-canada-32-173-foreign-migrants-in-an-irregular-situation-declared-inadmissible.html

Trial Clifford Brandt postponed to 8 days
Started for nearly a month under high security, the new trial of Clifford Brandt and his accomplices, after 2 days of hearing (4-5 December https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26317-haiti-news-zapping.html ) was posponed to 8 days on Wednesday due to lack of formalities in the procedure. Me Serard Gasius, the Chief of the prosecution, promises to take the necessary time and the necessary measures to avoid a possible annulment of the judgment and to summon again the 8 key witnesses in this case. A trial that looks very long and very technical... See also : https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-25918-icihaiti-justice-new-trial-of-clifford-brandt.html

Stevenson : denial of the University Hospital Center
The communications department of the University Hospital Center (CHU) of Quebec denies the information broadcast Wednesday on the air of a Quebec radio, according to which Adonis Stevenson would be paralyzed on the right See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26318-haiti-boxing-adonis-stevenson-should-get-out-but-will-not-go-back-on-a-ring.html

Japan 18 million for 12 schools
The construction of 12 new fundamental schools in the departments of the Center (10 schools) and Artibonite (2 schools) whose laying of the foundation stone took place at the end of November, is financed by the Japanese cooperation to the tune of 18 million dollars See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26267-haiti-japan-launch-of-construction-works-for-12-new-fundamental-schools.html

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