Haiti - Taiwan : $22 million for increased rice seed production - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Taiwan : $22 million for increased rice seed production
08/01/2019 09:44:51

Haiti - Taiwan : $22 million for increased rice seed production
On Monday Jobert C. Angrand the Minister of Agriculture, Bocchit Edmond, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador HU Cheng-Hao of Taiwan (Republic of China) signed a cooperation agreement for the execution of two projects aimed at increased supply of rice seeds in the Artibonite Valley and in the rice plains of the North and North-East departments.

This agreement, worthing more than 22 million US dollars (22,825,000), provides each department with a modern Rice Seed Treatment Center. The goal is to produce 20,000 tons of rice seed to increase this production in the country. The agreement stipulates that Taiwan will provide the Government of Haiti with technical assistance for the production of quality seeds, the management of the Quality Control Laboratory, the purchase of equipment and the construction and maintenance of these infrastructures. These two projects will increase the supply of quality seeds in the Artibonite Valley and in the North and Northeast Rice Plains over a three-year period starting this month.

According to Minister Angrand, conditioning facilities are already under construction at Ferrier, Estère and Torbeck.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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