Haiti - RD : Nearly 340,000 Haitians deported or sent back to Haiti in 3 years - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - RD : Nearly 340,000 Haitians deported or sent back to Haiti in 3 years
24/01/2019 08:32:32

Haiti - RD : Nearly 340,000 Haitians deported or sent back to Haiti in 3 years
According to the Directorate of Public Relations of the Directorate General of Migration (DGM), 357,386 foreigners in irregular migratory situation on the Dominican territory were deported to their countries of origin or sent back to the border from June 2015 to the end of 2018, mainly of Haitian origin but also Venezuelan and Colombian.

Statistical data indicate that the largest number of repatriations took place in 2018, when immigration authorities deported and sent back more than 132,000 Haitians in an irregular situation https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26621-haiti-social-nearly-132-000-haitians-deported-or-turned-back-from-dr-in-2018.html

In addition to Haitians, Venezuelans and Colombians, a few hundred other foreigners of various nationalities among others : Chinese, Cuban, Ecuadorian, Spanish, German, French, Canadian, Italian, American, Puerto Rican, Honduran, Nigerian, Peruvian, Russian, Romanian, Swiss and Turkish were expelled from the Dominican Republic during these 3 years for breaking the law 285-04 on migration.

Undocumented foreigners, especially Haitians, were engaged in, among other things, street sales, construction and agricultural work.

Of the total number, nearly 180,000 Haitians were deported during this period after being arrested and controlled in an irregular migratory situation, throughout the Dominican territory and nearly 160,000 others were intercepted and sent back to Haiti at the border to have attempted to enter the Dominican Republic illegally.

SL/ HaitiLibre

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