Haiti - FLASH : 21 deputies demand the indictment for high treason of President Moïse 12/06/2019 09:53:22 List of signatory deputies : Deputy Baudelaire Noelsaint (OPL); Deputy Frank Lauture (OPL); Deputy Jean-Robert Bossé (OPL); Deputy Ketel Jean-Philippe (OPL); Deputy Reynald Exantus (OPL); Deputy Rudy Devil (OPL); Deputy Garnier Vikerson (LAVALAS); Deputy Joseph Manès Louis (LAVALAS); Deputy Printemps Belizaire (LAVALAS); Deputy Roger Millien (LAVALAS); Deputy Sinal Bertrand (LAVALAS; Deputy Jerry Tardieu (VERITE); Deputy Myriam Amilcar (VERITE); Deputy Jacob Latortue (AAA); Deputy Jean-Marcel Lumérant (KID); Deputy Paul Gérard Lorméus (LEVE KANPE); Deputy Pierre Fequiere Julien (CANAAN); Deputy Rodon Beloved (PHTK); Deputy Smith Romuald (PALMIS); Deputy Abel Descollines (LAVNI Lavalas trend); Deputy Déus Deronneth (PONT); An approach that has no chance of success because according to the Constitution, it requires the vote of 2/3 of the Chamber of Deputies to indict the Head of State. In Article 186, the amended Constitution stipulates "The Chamber of Deputies, by a two-thirds majority of its members, pronounces the indictment (a) the President of the Republic for the crime of high treason or any other crime or offense committed in the exercise of his functions; [...]" Full text of the letter from the opposition : "Port-au-Prince, June 10, 2019 MP Gary Bodeau President of the Chamber of Deputies In his offices, Mr President, The signatory Deputies of the present have taken note of the deterioration of the social, economic, political and security situation of Haiti. The country is on the verge of social explosion. Massive protests follow one another in the capital and in the provinces to demand the resignation of President Jovenel Moïse, accused of embezzlement in a report of the Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Disputes. This damning case comes on top of a long list of violations of the Constitution by the President. In unison, all sectors of national life have already expressed themselves in the sense of popular demands. The recent positions of the Episcopal Conference of Haiti, the Economic Forum of the private business sector, the Protestant Federation of Haiti and civil society associations are unequivocal. They clearly point the finger at the Head of State and the Parliament as Main responsible for the calamitous situation that Haiti knows. As a co-depositary of national sovereignty, the Parliament can not remain indifferent to the cries of the population, of which it must be the real institutional and republican sounding board. Thus, we remind you of the imperative need that yours to take into account the transmission on February 20, 2019 of the indictment against President Jovenel Moïse for facts constituting the crime of high treason. It was clearly stated : "once removed from office, Mr. Jovenel Moïse will be brought before the Courts of Common Law to respond to the facts he is accused of." This is essentially what the Haitian population demands ! Contrary to the provisions of the Constitution in force and the rules of procedure of the Chamber of Deputies, you have not taken any action on the aforementioned request. By doing so, you have confused the position of Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies with that of ally of the PHTK and its majority in Parliament. In addition to serious violations of the constitution, the management of the head of State gratifies us with a dark picture characterized by inflation, mismanagement. misery, corruption, improvisation, mediocrity, arrogance, incivism, impunity, the reign of 'legal bandits', armed gangs and the squandering of state assets... Accordingly, the signatory Deputies of the present request you to recollect, by organizing a special session, at the opening of the next ordinary session, in order to set the date of the indictment session. If you fail to comply with this urgent and compelling request, the said Deputies will have no choice but to oppose the holding of any other session and will subsequently request your dismissal as President of the Bureau. For having enjoyed the trust of the people, the signatories of this do not intend to fail in their responsibility so as not to expose themselves to the cruel verdict of history. Hoping that you will grant a favorable and urgent follow-up to this correspondence, we ask you to receive, Mr. President, our patriotic greetings." See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27889-haiti-flash-deputy-tardieu-publicly-accuses-president-moses-moise.html SL/ HaitiLibre
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