Haiti - Politic : «Transitional Political Agreement», text of the agreement of the opposition - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - Politic : «Transitional Political Agreement», text of the agreement of the opposition
13/11/2019 09:27:48

Haiti - Politic : «Transitional Political Agreement», text of the agreement of the opposition
Following the process initiated by some opposition parties and civil society, after two days of exchanges (8, 9 November 2019 at the Marriott Hotel), a 2-point agreement [for the least very General], was adopted on the 9th and signed on Sunday, November 10, entitled "Transition Policy Agreement" that we invite you to share.


" Preamble :
Haiti, the homeland, has been plunged for several months into a chaotic situation announcing an imminent humanitarian disaster. The government has lost control of the State apparatus. The administrative sluggishness, the economic paralysis, the deterioration of the situation of poverty and the degradation of the social life challenge the understanding. In the face of national drama, a large majority of civil society organizations and political groups are calling for the resignation of the President of the Republic and the parliamentarians, who are primarily responsible for the situation. In order to organize their orderly withdrawal, to protect republican institutions today in total decay, to avoid the waste of public resources and to prevent a generalized disruption, citizens have set up a mission-based mediation structure highly political and non-partisan : La Passerelle.

Following working sessions with the following structures and actors : the Commission for Facilitation and Change of Power Consensual Altemative for the Refoundation of Haiti, the Institutional Opposition of Parliament; Mache Kontre; Patriotic Forum; Fanmi Lavalas; RDNP; the Democratic Bloc; different sectors of civil society signatories of the Declaration of October 10, 2019 and PHTK.

The signatory and adhering parties have reached the following agreement.

1.2 of the Constitution of the Government :
With regard to the appointment of the Prime Minister and the formation of the Government. The signatory Parties agree on the following decisions :

1. The aforementioned committee is responsible for defining the criteria for choosing the Prime Minister and the ministers.

1.3 From the Government Action Control Structure :
Discussions will continue, as soon as possible, between the major actors to reach a global agreement which will include the finalization of the roadmap to engage the power of transition, the mechanisms of choice of the members of the government and the implementation place of the control entity of the transition executive.

2. Final provisions :
Signatory Parties undertake to make every effort to comply with the Transitional Policy Agreement.

The Transition Policy Agreement comes into force upon signature by the Parties.

Done and adopted in Port-au-Prince on November 9 and signed on November 10, 2019


"Altènativ Konsansyèl pou Refondasyon Nasyon an": Antoine AUGUSTIN, Serge JEAN-LOUIS
Papaya Patriotic Forum: Junot FELIX, Jean William JEANTY
"Mache Kontre": Edgard LEBLANC Son, Rosemond PRADEL
Democratic Bloc for National Recovery: Victor BENOIT. Emmanuel MÉNARD
Institutional Opposition: Yuri LATORTUE, Saurel JACINTHE"

Reacting to the publication of this agreement the PHTK "is surprised to see his name as an actor in the design of this agreement when it does not share the methodology, the format or the substance of this document. This was also very clearly indicated, in a memorandum addressed to the representatives of the Passerelle by a delegation of political parties represented in Parliament and in Local Authorities, during an exchange meeting held on October 25, 2019." that "in a State of law, the mechanisms of renewal or replacement linked to the universal suffrage which impose themselves to all, exclude any rupture of the democratic order by intimidation, the violence or break-in, through structures of circumstance without legitimacy, titles or qualities."

Moreover, the PHTK underlines "Despite the hegemonic claims of the initiators of this initiative, the Party notes that the document" Transitional Political Agreement" is not unanimous within the opposition parties and is not endorsed either by representative organizations of the Civil Society. It is therefore appropriate to consider this document as one of many proposals, without any binding force, which has the merit of clarifying the position of certain actors in view of the necessary and inclusive future dialogue."

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