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Haiti - News : Zapping...
19/11/2019 10:08:20

Haiti - News : Zapping...
Reprisal : 3 people burned alive
Monday, November 18, in Cap-Haitien, 3 unidentified people were burned alive early in the evening in the perimeter of Vertières. This tragedy occurred when a security officer at a shop in a container fired to evacuate the crowd of protesters, a teenager was shot in the head and rushed to hospital. In retaliation, the demonstrators burned the container with three people inside.

Police offciers announce that they have formed a union
Sunday, November 17, braving the threat of sanctions up to the dismissal, the police offciers who demonstrated, announced to have formed a union, a first since the establishment of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) there is 24 years. However, note that this is just an announcement and that the structure of this union is not yet legalized.

American Flag burned
On Monday during the anti-government demonstrations that Saint Marc (Artibonite Dept.) experienced, protesters armed with machetes burned the American flag in front of the premises of Bicentennial High School in Saint-Marc to protest against the interference American in Haiti...

Football : The VP of the FHF wishes the revocation of Collat ​
At the end of the poor results in the League A Nations (4 match played 1 defeats and 3 draw) including the last Haiti - Costa Rica [1-1]https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-29300-haiti-news-zapping.html causing the relegation of the Grenadiers in League B, Daniel Jean-Charles, the Vice President of the Haitian Football Federation very angry, believes that the coach Marc Collat ​​should be dismissed. See also : https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-28976-icihaiti-league-of-nations-the-grenadiers-on-the-brink-of-relegation-in-league-b.html

Military parade
Monday the traditional military parade of November 18 was executed at the National Palace, by the new Armed Forces of Haiti who celebrated for the occasion their 2nd anniversary. Moreover, in Cap-Haitien, the authorities of the city found themselves on the Vertières site for a moment of meditation and the deposit of wreaths at the foot of the monuments.

Education : Distribution of salary arrears checks
Odel Joseph, Departmental Director of the Ministry of National Education of Nippes, has distributed 400 salary arrears checks to school principals, teachers and support staff over the past week.

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