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Haiti - Environment : Haiti present at the Madrid Conference (COP25)
03/12/2019 09:42:22

Haiti - Environment : Haiti present at the Madrid Conference (COP25)
Under the leadership of the Ministry of the Environment (MOE), a Haitian delegation composed of around 15 representatives of sectoral ministries, civil society and technical and financial partners, participates in the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25) on the Climate Change taking place in Madrid, Spain from 2 to 13 December 2019.

This international conference initially planned in Chile then relocated to Madrid because of an unstable political situation in Chile remains under the chairmanship of Chile in Spain. Organized by the United Nations, it brings together the signatory countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

As the global climate emergency becomes more and more evident, the COP25 aims to finalize the work likely to encourage an intensification of actions against global warming with the slogan "It´s time for action !". It is in this context that Haiti participates in this event to defend its interests against climate change.

Haiti, like other Small Island Developing States (SIDS) very exposed to climatic hazards, wants to play its role and expects concrete results. According to Joseph Jouthe, the Minister of the Environment, this COP must provide answers, on all fronts, to countries that are least responsible for climate change, including the financial support needed to deal with the losses and damages related to climate change.

Alongside the other Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and SIDS, the members of the Haitian delegation will defend Haiti's priorities, which can be summed up in five points :

  • Finalize the collection of rules for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, specifically the issues related to approaches to mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development;
  • Call on developed countries to raise their GHG reduction ambitions and meet their financial commitments under the Green Climate Fund and to double their pledges for the ongoing bailout of the Green Climate Fund;
  • Strengthen the Warsaw Loss and Damage Mechanism with a focus on its action and support function for developing countries;
  • Strengthen the technical and institutional capacities of developing countries for large-scale and more effective actions in the fight against climate change;
  • Lighten access procedures to the Green Climate Fund and create a special window of financing for climate change loss and damage.

About the COP21 Paris Agreement :
The Paris Agreement is an international climate treaty adopted at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) at the UNFCCC held in Paris in December 2015. This international treaty is of a universal nature and includes significant advances in the fight against terrorism. climate changes. It entered into force on November 4, 2016 and was ratified by Haiti in February 2017.

Download the COP21 agreement : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/l09e.pdf

Download the Haiti proposal : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/CPDN_Republique-d-Haiti.pdf

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