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Haiti - Prime Minister : The President Martelly explains his choice
21/05/2011 12:43:11

Haiti - Prime Minister : The President Martelly explains his choice
The communications office of President Michel Martelly, confirms, that the President has officially made the choice of the entrepreneur Daniel Gérard Rouzier to be his next Prime Minister. An official letter confirming this choice, was sent to the Presidents of both chambers.

The Head of State is convinced that Mr Rouzier has the capacity and the willingness to accompany him in his quest for a better future for all Haitians and hopes that his choice is supported by all sectors of the population. "My choice is based on the fact that Daniel Rouzier is a father integrates, entire and pious and who succeeded in business and who knows how to transform dreams into reality. In addition, he shares my vision and is ready to support me so that together we can build a better Haiti" declared the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly.

The President of the Republic reaffirms once again his determination to change the lives of the people and requests the frank collaboration of all sectors in order to achieve this goal.

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