Haiti - Environment : Call to declare «the state of ecological emergency» - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - Environment : Call to declare «the state of ecological emergency»
07/06/2020 11:10:09

Haiti - Environment : Call to declare «the state of ecological emergency»
The Support Movement for the Development of Haitian Territorial Communities (MADECTH), Écovert-Haiti, the Promotion Agency for Integrated Development (APRODI), the Support Movement for the Peasantry (MAP), Zantray Association for Development national (AZADN), Asosyasyon peyizan kwochi (ASPEK) draw the attention of public authorities, civil society organizations, international NGOs to the dangers which weigh on biodiversity in Haiti which threatens our future.

In Haiti, despite the creation of the Ministry of the Environment (1995), three years after the signing of the Rio Convention on Biological Diversity, as the body responsible for protecting biodiversity and sustainable development, the ecosystems of Haiti continue to collapse. After 27 years of commitment to biological diversity, the Haitian State is unable to enforce either the International Convention on Biological Diversity or the decree of January 26, 2006 on the management of the environment and the regulation of citizen behavior for sustainable development

These ecological associations underline "[...] if nothing is done to save ecosystems, in 2036, there will be no more forests" recalling that out of the 27,750 km2 of territory, there already has no more than 85 km2 of forest. They call for actions to reconsider the declared spaces, recalling that according to the law of February 3, 1926, articles 3, stipulates that our forests are inalienable, citing as an example the degradation of the pine forest, the Macaya Park, the Park La Visite and Le Morne Lory (Morne du Cap), a mountain in the foothills of the town of Cap-Haïtien which, despite its status as a reserved national forest, by order of March 15, 1947 are the object for several years of squatters and illegal urbanization.

These associations emphasize that marine biodiversity is also very affected by the destruction of mangroves and pollution at the coast. They explain that in certain regions of the country of sea turtles, manatees are subject to overfishing, believing that "[...] all the protected areas in the country are no longer under the control of State authorities and are subject to exploitation."

They emphasize that given the importance of biodiversity and the multiple services rendered to man "this ecological imbalance observed in Haiti seriously threatens the future of Haitians"

This grouping of organizations also denounces the destruction of mangroves at the coast and the deforestation and disappearance of species, stressing "When a species is dead, it creates an imbalance in the ecosystem and that is the future of the man who is threatened."

These ecological associations warn of an announced disaster and ask the State authorities to declare a state of ecological emergency throughout the national territory.

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