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Haiti - FLASH : Dates of resumption of school and university activities
04/07/2020 10:48:19

Haiti - FLASH : Dates of resumption of school and university activities
Following the decision of President Jovenel Moïse concerning the resumption of school and university activities, while taking into account the recommendations of the health authorities and the scientific unit in relation to COVID-19, the Ministry of National Education informs the population in general, and the educational community in particular, that the relaunch of school and university activities is planned from August 10, 2020, in order to complete the 2019-2020 academic year.

August 10, 2020 : the recovery will only concern pupils in the 9th year of fundamental education and in the final class (NS4 and philosophy);

August 17, 2020 : the recovery will be for the other classes.

Note that this return to class does not concern preschool students.

The Ministry will soon announce the health protocols and educational instructions to be followed by public and private schools across the country in order to facilitate the resumption of school activities and protect students and teaching and administrative staff against Covid-19.

A revised school calendar will also be published as soon as possible and will include specific information about the organization of official exams.

In the meantime, the Ministry invites students to continue training, in particular by consulting the Internet Platform for Educational Resources and Learning (PRACTIC) prat.menfp.gouv.ht where courses on programs Fundamental and secondary education are available, especially for State exam classes. The courses are also available on the Ministry's PRATIC YouTube channel.

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