Haiti - Quebec : 11,000 trees for Haiti 17/06/2011 14:17:54
As part of the program "En route vers un monde solidaire" (On the road to a United World) of the Foundation Carrefour de Solidarité Internationale of Sherbrooke, 800 students have contributed to the reforestation of Haiti. The children performed a collection of more than $ 1.360 for the purchase of 5.440 trees and the Foundation Estrienne in environment has decided to contribute equally with the students bringing the number of trees to 10.880.
As part of a recognition ceremonyÉmile Eyma, the Director of the Institute of Research and technical animation in management of the environment in Haiti, expressed his gratitude to the children "You live in a country with many trees, but in Haiti, there is only 2% of forests. For historical and social reasons, people began to cut them. Sometimes they are children like you who make tens of kilometers to pick up the wood..."
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre