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Haiti - Education : A Bookmobile to democratize the reading
18/06/2011 09:16:41

Haiti - Education : A Bookmobile to democratize the reading
The bookmobile of the Urban Community of La Rochelle was replaced in late 2010. Rather than taking its "retirement", the Bookmobile has been "revamped" and refurbished for a second life in Port-au-Prince.

The Agglomeration Community, which maintains for 10 years, close relations with the Republic of Haiti, which is historically linked with La Rochelle, had included in 2010 in its framework of cooperation with Haiti, a mobile library project, project postponed due to the earthquake.

Vladimir Pascal, a young Haitian artist and Julien Frenzel a French artist, have decorated the vehicle before its departure. On one side of the bus appears Port-au-Prince, the other La Rochelle, a double image that symbolizes the friendship and cooperation between the two cities.

The bookmobile was delivered, Thursday, June 16, on the esplanade of City Hall in Port-au-Prince during a ceremony, in the presence of numerous personalities, including: Daniel Groscolas, the mayor of the town of l'Houmeau (France) and Vice President of the Community of agglomeration of La Rochelle, Jean-Yves Jason, the Mayor of Port-au-Prince, Nadege Augustin, Assistant Mayor of Port-au-Prince, the Haitian painter Vladimir Pascal, Pierre Philibert Pompé, the Director of the Communale School of Fort Mercredi and a group of students in this school. This Bookmobile, will "democratize the reading and bring it towards the poor neighborhoods for a new society," declared at the ceremony the Mayor of Port-au-Prince.

S/ HaitiLibre

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