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Haiti - COVID-19 : Haiti Special Report #371
26/03/2021 11:09:29

Haiti - COVID-19 : Haiti Special Report #371
* Friday March 26, 2021, the number of people infected worldwide by the Covid-19 coronavirus since the start of the pandemic (Official source), amounts to 126,127,501 cases (+634,989 in 24 hours) , the day before (+632,679)

Number of contaminated countries 192 (unchanged)

Bulletin the day before: https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-33326-haiti-covid-19-haiti-special-report-370.html

* Since the start of the pandemic 101,764,425 people have been cured of Covid-19 worldwide (+428,581 in 24 hours), the day before (+455,061)

* Since the start of the pandemic 2,768,652 people have died of Covid-19 worldwide (+10,565 in 24 hours), the day before (+10,478)

* The number of active cases (less deaths and recoveries) in the world is currently 21,594,424 cases (+195,843 in 24 hours), the day before (-16,714)

Average cure rate in the world: 80.68% (-)

Average death rate in the world: 2.19% (=)

World: Number of daily confirmed cases:

Vaccination: 508.16 million doses of vaccine injected (+19.13 million doses injected in 24 hours (updated March 25, 2021, latest data available).

TOP 5 countries with the most active cases: (less deaths and recoveries)
1st - USA: 7,336,252 cases, (+3,479 in 24 hours), the day before (-6,190)
2nd - France: 4,044,741 cases (+44,011 in 24 hours), the day before (+48,755 in 48 hours correction and catching up)
3rd * - Brazil: 1,248,490 cases (+12,044), the day before (+332)
4th * - Belgium: 775,622 cases (+5,246 in 24 hours), the day before (+6,056)
5th * - Italy: 562,856 cases (+1,548 in 24 hours), the day before (+654)

TOP 5 countries with the most deaths:
1st - USA: 546,822 deaths (+1,541 in 24 hours), the day before (+1,438)
2nd * - Brazil: 303,726 deaths (+2,639 in 24 hours), the day before (+2,244)
3rd * - Mexico: 200,211 deaths (+584 in 24 hours), the day before (+579)
4th * - India: 160,983 deaths (+257 in 24 hours), the day before (+249)
5th * - United Kingdom: 126,445 deaths, (+63 in 24 hours), the day before (+98)

TOP 5 countries with the highest number of healings:
1st - USA: 22,196,209 healings (+63,330 in 24 hours), cure rate 73.79% (+)
2nd * - India: 11,264,637 healings (+32,987 in 24h), cure rate 95.08% (-)
3rd * - Brazil: 10,772,549 healings (+82,903 in 24h), cure rate 87.40% (-)
4th * - Russia: 4,120,161 healings (+10,880 in 24 hours), 91.52% cure rate (+)
5th * - Great Britain: 3,748,042 cure (+18,887 in 24 hours), cure rate 86.77% (+)

Case since the first case (March 9, 2020): 30,079,283 cases (+68,350 in 24 hours), the day before (+88,542)
* Healings: 22,196,209 healings (+63,330 in 24 hours), the day before (+93,294)
National Healing Rate: 73.79% (+)
Deaths: 546,822 deaths (+1,541 in 24 hours), the day before (+1,438)
Active cases (less deaths and recoveries): 7,336,252 cases, (+3,479 in 24 hours), the day before (-6,190)

Cases since the start of the epidemic (January 25, 2020): 956,542 cases (+5,104 in 24 hours), the day before (+3,949)
Healings: 895,645 people (+3,444 in 24 hours), the day before (+2,954)
National Healing Rate: 93.63% (-)
Deaths: 22,771 deaths (+32 in 24 hours), the day before (+24)
National death rate: 2.38% (-)
Active cases: (excluding death and recovery) 38,126 (+1,628 in 24 hours), the day before (+971)

Vaccination: 4.58 million doses of vaccine injected (+190,000 doses injected in 24 hours updated as of March 25, 2021, latest data available), since December 14, 2020, the date of the first injection in Canada.

Canada: Number of daily confirmed cases

Cases confirmed since the first case (January 24, 2020): 4,424,726 cases (+45,641 in 24 hours), the day before (+65,373 in 48 hours correction and catching up)
Healings: 286,607 people (+1,408 in 24 hours), the day before (+1,692)
National Healing Rate: 6.47% (-)
Deaths: 93,378 deaths (+225 in 24 hours in hospitals +0 in EMS / EHPAD), the day before in total, (+248)
Active cases: (excluding death and recovery) 4,044,741 cases (+44,011 in 24 hours), the day before +48,755 in 48 hours (correction and catching up)

Latin America and the Caribbean active cases (less deaths and recoveries):
* Brazil: 1,248,490 cases (+12,044), the day before (+332)
* Mexico: 262.206 cases (+1.395 in 24 hours), the day before (+1.080)
* Argentina: 166,551 cases (+655 in 24 hours), the day before (+3,099)
* Colombia: 47,360 cases (+1,066 in 24 hours), the day before (+1,280)
Dominican Republic: 37,631 cases (-163 in 24 hours) the day before (-2,454)
* Chile: 39,265 cases (+2,710 in 24 hours), the day before (-1,247)
* Peru: 35,528 cases (-31 in 24 hours), the day before (+2,115)
* Ecuador: 30,227 cases (+1,807 in 24 hours), the day before (+3,201)
* Jamaica: 19,843 cases (+336 in 24 hours), the day before (+308)
French Guiana: 14,424 cases (-3 in 24 hours), the day before (-2)
Guadeloupe: 10,013 cases (update not available), the day before (-3)
Martinique: 6,787 cases (-1 in 48 hours), the day before (-4)
* Panama: 5,030 cases (-13 in 24 hours), the day before (-71)
* Cuba: 3,390 cases (-14 in 24 hours), the day before (-13)
Haiti: 1,731 cases (update not available), the day before (-47)
* Bahamas: 990 cases (update not available 2 days), the day before (not available)

Epidemiological situation:
Warning: The Ministry of Public Health did not make available daily data on the Covid-19 situation in Haiti after March 19. As a result, the information below Below on the situation in Haiti are the latest data available .

According to the Ministry of Public Health, 4 new cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in Haiti on March 19, 2021 (latest partial data available) for a total of 12,736 cases confirmed throughout the national territory since the first case (March 19, 2020 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30319-haiti-health-origin-of-the-first-2-cases-of-covid-19-in-haiti.html). Update the day before (10 new cases on March 17 and 18, 2021)

Healings: 10,754 people (unchanged) cases the day before (+55)

Healing rate: 84.43% (-)

Deaths: 251 deaths, (+0 since March 11)

Death rate: 1.97% (=)

Active cases: (less deaths and recoveries) 1,731 cases (+4 in 24 hours), the day before (-47)

Imported cases: 152 cases since the reopening of airports and +43 since the last report dated July 9 (109 cases) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-31348-haiti-flash-152-cases-imported-since-the-reopening-of-airports.html (Since then, this information is no longer made available)

Suspected cases investigated since March 19: 57,895 cases (+108 in 24 hours)

Cases tested since the start of the pandemic: 57,883 cases (+111 in 24 hours) as of March 19 (latest data available). Note that the very low number of people tested does not statistically make it possible to make a representative estimate of the cases of Covid-19 in Haiti.

People hospitalized: 198 as of March 18. (latest data available)

People in intensive care: (not available)

Person in isolation: 1,731 as of March 18. (latest data available)

People currently treated at home: 842 as of March 18, latest data available).

Cases confirmed by department:
West: 9.059 (unchanged)
North: 774 (unchanged)
Artibonite: 664 (unchanged)
Center: 637 (unchanged)
Northeast: 368 (unchanged)
South-East: 302 (+4)
South: 294 (unchanged)
Northwest: 251 (unchanged)
Grand'Anse: 227 (unchanged)
Nippes: 160 (unchanged)

Epidemiological situation:

United States:
Case since the first case (March 9, 2020): 30,079,283 cases (+68,350 in 24 hours), the day before (+88,542)
* Healings: 22,196,209 healings (+63,330 in 24 hours), the day before (+93,294)
National Healing Rate: 73.79% (+)
Deaths: 546,822 deaths (+1,541 in 24 hours), the day before (+1,438)
National death rate: 1.81% (=)
Active cases (less deaths and recoveries): 7,336,252 cases, (+3,479 in 24 hours), the day before (-6,190)
Tests: 385,820,362 people tested since the first case.

Vaccination: 133.31 million doses of vaccine injected since December 14, 2020, date of the first injection in the United States (+2.84 million injections, in 24 hours, updated from 25 March 2021 latest available data).

USA: Number of daily confirmed cases

New York State:
* Cases since the start of the epidemic (March 1, 2020): 1,865,527 cases (adjustment), the day before (+27,644)
* Healings: 1,027,693 healings (+11,695 in 24h) the day before (+13,213)
Healing rate: 55.08% (-)
* Death: 50,093 deaths (+376 in 24 hours), the day before (+255)
Death rate: 2.68% (-)
* Active cases 787,741 cases (adjustment), the day before (-14,176)
* Tests: 43,570,161 people tested since the first case.

State of Massachusetts:
* Cases since the start of the epidemic (February 1, 2020): 622,226 cases (+2,410 in 24 hours), the day before (+2,121)
* Healings: 577,138 people healed (+1,666 in 24 hours), the day before (+1,698)
Healing rate: 92.75% (-)
* Death: 17,010 deaths (+40 in 24 hours), the day before (+55)
Death rate: 2.73% (=)
* Active cases (less deaths and recoveries): 28,078 cases (+704 in 24 hours), the day before (+368)
* Tests: 18,312,783 people tested since the first case.

* Cases since the start of the epidemic (March 1, 2020): 2,027,429 cases (+5,773 in 24 hours), the day before (+5,143)
* Healings: 1,438,338 people healed (+15,330 in 24 hours), the day before (+19,322)
Healing rate: 70.94% (+)
* Death: 32,975 deaths (+101 in 24 hours), the day before (+34)
Death rate: 1.62% (=)
* Active cases (less deaths and recoveries): 556,116 cases (-9,658 in 24 hours), the day before (-14,213)
* Tests: 24,831,158 people tested since the first case

Miami Dade (FL):
Cases since the start of the epidemic (March 12, 2020): 438,704 cases (+1,252 in 24 hours), the day before (+958)
Death: 5,767 deaths (+16 in 24 hours), the day before (+9)
Death rate: 1.31% (=)

Epidemiological situation:
Cases confirmed since the first case (February 27, 2020):
305,435 cases (+945 in 24 hours), the day before (+783)

Healing: 287,632 people (+686 in 24 hours), the day before (+599)

Death: 10,630 deaths (+4 in 24 hours), the day before (+8)

Active cases: (excluding death and recovery) 7,173 cases (+255 in 24 hours), the day before (+176)

Hospitals: 596 people hospitalized (-12 in 24 hours) the day before (-11)

Intensive care: 117 people (-1 in 24 hours), the day before (+5)

In Montreal, epicenter of the pandemic in Quebec where the largest Haitian community is located (nearly 150,000 members): 113,925 cases (+351 in 24 hours), have been confirmed since the start of the epidemic the day before (+ 307)

TOP 5 of the most contaminated Montreal boroughs:
1 - Côte-des-Neiges – Notre-Dame-de-Grâce: 10,271 cases (+30 in 24 hours), the day before (+34)
2 - Villeray-Saint-Michel- Parc Extension: 9,463 cases (+25 in 24 hours), the day before (+31)
3 - Ahuntsic-Cartierville: 8,971 cases (+25 in 24 hours), the day before (+22)
4 - Montreal North: 8,188 cases (+15 in 24 hours), the day before (+13)
5 - Rivière-des-Prairies – Pointe-aux-Trembles: 7,992 cases (+21 in 24 hours), the day before (+16)

TOP 5 of the most contaminated regions of Quebec:
1 - Montreal: 113,925 cases (+351 in 24 hours), the day before (+307)
2 - Montérégie: 43,649 cases (+115 in 24 hours), the day before (+110)
3 - Laval: 26,686 cases (+98 in 24 hours), the day before (+75)
4 - Capitale-Nationale (Quebec): 23,404 cases (+80 in 24 hours), the day before (+69)
5 - Lanaudière: 21,477 cases (+26 in 24 hours), the day before (+27)

Province of Quebec Healing Rate: 94.17% (-)

Mortality rate: 3.69% (+)

Vaccination: 1,065,823 doses of vaccine injected since December 16, 2020 date of the first injection (+39,814 in 24 hours) as of March 25, 2021 latest data available - MSSS)

Epidemiological situation:

Cases confirmed since March 1:
250,968 cases (+389 in 24 hours) the day before (+402). First case (March 1, 2020) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30165-haiti-flash-first-case-of-covid-19-in-the-dominican-republic.html

Healings: 210,042 healings since March 1 (+456 in 24 hours), the day before (+2,850)

National Healing Rate: 83.69% (+)

Deaths: 3,295 deaths (+6 in 24 hours), the day before (+6)

Death rate: 1.31% (=)

Active cases: (excluding death and recovery) 37,631 cases (-163 in 24 hours) the day before (-2,454)

Hospital occupancy rate:

Covid- 19 beds: 454 occupied out of 2,569 beds, i.e. 18% occupancy (+)
Intensive care beds: 145 occupied out of 523 beds, i.e. 28% of occupancy (-)
Beds with assisted ventilation: 89 occupied out of 406 beds, i.e. 22% occupancy (-)

Top 5 of the most infected provinces (active case, less healings and deaths):
1 - National district: 6.271 cases (-5 in 24 hours) the day before (-1.005)
2 - Santo Domingo: 4.919 cases (-24 in 24 hours) the day before (-658)
3 - Santiago: 3,528 cases (-4 in 24 hours) the day before (-153)
4 - Puerto Plata: 1,383 cases (-4 in 24 hours) the day before -13)
5 - Altagracia:, 1317 cases (-1 in 24 hours), the day before (-73)

Tests (since the 1st case): 1,290,819 tests (+3,235 in 24 hours), the day before (+2,749)

Epidemiological situation:

Cases confirmed since the first case (January 24, 2020): 4,424,726 cases (+45,641 in 24 hours), the day before (+65,373 in 48 hours correction and catching up)

Hospitalized people: 27,036 people (+160 in 25 hours), the day before (+120)

Intensive care: 4,709 people (+58 in 24 hours), the day before (+17)

Healings: 286,607 people (+1,408 in 24 hours), the day before (+1,692)

National Healing Rate: 6.47% (-)

Deaths: 93,378 deaths (+225 in 24 hours in hospitals +0 in EMS / EHPAD), the day before in total, (+248)

National death rate: 2.11% (-)

Active cases: (excluding death and recovery) 4,044,741 cases (+44,011 in 24 hours), the day before +48,755 in 48 hours (correction and catching up)

Vaccination: 9.42 million doses of vaccine injected since December 27, 2020, date of the first injection in France (+300,000 in 24 hours updated on March 24, latest data available).

Scientific News :

NEWS: COVID-19, new definitions in Haiti
Suspected COVI-19 case :
Anyone with a fever greater than or equal to 38 degrees Celsius, or a recent history of fever (within the past 14 days), with or without cough with or without breathing difficulties, aches, unexplained headache.
Anyone with sudden changes in taste (dysguesia or ageusia) or smell (hyposmia or anosmia) without associated rhinitis.
Anyone art a clinician (doctor or nurse) which suspects the Covid-19.
In children: all the above-mentioned signs and/or deterioration in general condition, diarrhea or isolated fever, especially in children under 3 months old.

Confirmed case of COVID-19 :
Any suspected Covid-19 case for which a test detects the presence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acids regardless of signs and symptoms. All Confirmed Covid-19 Cases should be placed in institutional or residential segregation.

Recovered or declared restored case of Covid-19 :
A Covid-19 case is declared "recovered" or "reinstated" in the following situations:
Symptomatic (sick) people tested positive: at least 10 days since the disappearance of the signs of the disease with or without a new negative test (repeat of the test if possible).


Asymptomatic people (not sick) tested positive: 10 days without the appearance of any sign of disease with or without a new negative test (repeat of the test if possible).

Death due to Covid-19 :
Death occurring in a confirmed case (by test or by epidemiological link) or by post mortem confirmation in the absence of any other obvious cause of death unrelated to the Covid-19 coronavirus.

Common symptoms of Covid-19 coronavirus: cough, fever and extreme fatigue. Some people may also have more severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or pneumonia. On average, symptoms of Covid-19 usually develop 5 to 7 days after infection. In some infrequent cases, they may appear only on the 12th day.

Basic tips to protect yourself and avoid spreading as much as possible, if Covid-19 is introduced in Haiti:

  • Always cough or sneeze into your sleeves or elbow, never on the other person's face or in your hands;
  • Use tissues to wipe your hands or face and then throw them in the trash and then wash your hands;
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap or alcoholic water. You can also use a "sanitizer";
  • Avoid contact with someone with influenza-like illness and invite them to seek treatment;
  • Avoid contact with vulnerable people if you are sick;
  • Avoid greetings like handshakes and kisses;
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth if you have not washed your hands;
  • Avoid people gathering.

Yesterday report : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-33326-haiti-covid-19-haiti-special-report-370.html

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