
Haiti - Security : PNH and MINUSTAH revise the national security plan 08/07/2011 17:01:20
Yesterday Thursday, at the weekly press briefing of the UN Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (Minustah), Barbara Mertz, the Deputy Spokesperson of the UN force has confirmed that the Haitian security forces together with those of the Minustah, were in the process of reviewing the national security plan. We learned that people will see in the coming weeks a substantial increase in the visibility of the security forces PNH, UNPOL and peacekeepers in various parts of the capital.
"Security plans are constantly reviewed in the light of changes in the behavior of gangs. For strategic and operational reasons, it is difficult to provide details on the changes made to the security plans, but it is important to note that these are regularly reviewed by the National Police of Haiti (PNH), together with our forces" explained Raymond Lamarre, Spokesperson of the UN police "The Minustah deplore the fact that citizens in their peacefully daily lives, have once again been targeted in recent days by gunmen, for the moment unidentified by the police. The component UNPOL and the military force of the Minustah will continue to give their full support to the PNH to fight crime in sensitive zones of the capital and through the territory" recalling that between June 24 and 30, 2011 : The United Nations police has accompanied the PNH in 3.128 patrols through Port-au-Prince. Of these number, 1.293 patrols have been conducted within the camps where the UN police and the national police conducts surveillance 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The security forces have made 203 arrests [179 men, 13 women and 11 minors]. In addition, three prison escapees have been arrested and five firearms have been also seized.