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Haiti - Economy : International Finance and Fintech Summit, Open registrations
10/04/2021 10:06:30

Haiti - Economy : International Finance and Fintech Summit, Open registrations
The Group Croissance and its partners announce the virtual holding of the largest annual finance meeting in Haiti, the 11th edition of the International Finance Summit around the theme "Strengthening Human Capital in Haiti in the post-Covid context" and the 6th edition of Fintech which will take place from April 13 to 15, 2021.

April 13, day 1 :
The summit will be dominated by the health crisis with 2 special guests who will explain how the world is developing today, both on the five continents and in Haiti, before addressing the economy.

April 14 day 2 :
Will be devoted to the analysis of the shocks that Haiti has suffered and to measure with the intervening parties the impact of the health and political crises on education in Haiti.

April 15th Day 3 :
As part of the International Finance Summit, the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) will talk about all its activities, in particular its monetary policy, the evolution of the banking system...

At the same time, the Fintech summit will take place around the theme "Accelerating the development of digital entrepreneurship in Haiti".

List of speakers : https://www.haitisommetfintech.com

Register to participate in the 11th Edition of the International Finance Summit at : www.haitisommetfinance.com/inscription/

Register to participate in the 6th edition of Fintech :

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