Haiti - Environment : Already 2 million trees planted in the North - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - Environment : Already 2 million trees planted in the North
24/04/2021 10:12:56

Haiti - Environment : Already 2 million trees planted in the North
The 5-year reforestation project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID-Haiti) which concerns Cap-Haitien, Grande Rivière du Nord, Milot, Limonade, Sainte Suzanne, Terrier Rouge, Trou du Nord, Ferrier, Ouanaminthe and Perches, has set up 45 nurseries to supply local farmers with tree seedlings.

These plants include high-value crops like cocoa, fruit trees and shade trees like oak and moringa, are transplanted to farmers' lands to protect vulnerable soils such as those near rivers and on critical watersheds and will improve the resilience of communities to the risks of climate change, especially in the face of floods, erosion and drought. At the same time, the project supports sustainable agroforestry systems that generate more income for local farmers and further reduce deforestation.

On the occasion of this Earth Day, USAID as part of its reforestation project launched in 2018 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-23217-haiti-usa-important-reforestation-project-in-the-north-and-northeast-departments.html , in partnership with Chemonics and local communities, more than 2 million new trees have already been planted and will plant two million more in over the next 18 months.

Simultaneously, USAID provided training to 24,000 local farmers in modern agroforestry and land management techniques and helped them create thriving farms that include fruit trees, valuable crops like cocoa and coffee, woodlots that are sustainably harvested for charcoal and timber production, beekeeping for honey production and hay production to feed livestock, especially during the dry season.

Read also on regforestation and deforestation in Haiti :

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