Haiti - FLASH : +388% of cases and + 1,400% of deaths compared to April - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : +388% of cases and + 1,400% of deaths compared to April
30/05/2021 07:19:32

Haiti - FLASH : +388% of cases and + 1,400% of deaths compared to April
The last published report from the Ministry of Public Health dated May 24, 2021 reports 93 new cases and 2 new deaths in 24 hours (1 North, 1 North-West) or 14,351 confirmed cases and 309 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

This brings the number of new cases to 1,181 and to 45 deaths for the first 24 days of May 2021 (latest data made available by the Ministry). That is an increase of +388% of cases and of + 1,400% of deaths compared to the previous month for the same period (April 1 to 24, 2021).

Cases confirmed by department :
West: 10.224 (+38)
North: 890 (+9)
Center: 764 (+14)
Artibonite: 739 (+10)
North-East: 389 (+1)
South-East: 326 (+15)
South: 306 (unchanged)
North-West: 299 (+2)
Grand'Anse: 249 (+4)
Nippes: 165 (unchanged)

Distribution of confirmed cases by age :
0-9 years: 353
10-19 years: 621
20-29 years: 2,745
30-39 years: 3,942
40-49 years: 2,632
50-59 years: 1,755
60-69 years: 1,292
70-79 years: 694
80 years and over: 317

Cumulative deaths by department :
West: 149
North: 43
Center: 21
Artibonite: 40
North-East: 6
South-East: 10
South: 6
North-West: 15
Grand'Anse: 13
Nipples: 6

Distribution of deaths by age :
0-9 years: 10
10-19 years: 5
20-29 years: 17
30-39 years: 20
40-49 years: 40
50-59 years: 55
60-69 years: 59
70-79 years: 61
80 years and over: 42

Suspected case of COVI-19 :
Anyone with a fever greater than or equal to 37.5 degrees Celsius, or with a recent history of fever (within the last 14 days), with or without cough with or without breathing difficulties, body aches, chest pain and unexplained headache. Anyone with a sudden change in taste (dysguesia or ageusia) or smell (hyposmia or anosmia) without associated rhinitis.

In children : all the signs mentioned above plus a deterioration in the general condition, diarrhea or isolated fever, especially in children under 3 months, should be referred to a doctor.

Recommendations :
The Ministry of Health recommends to the population, the scrupulous respect of barrier gestures in general the systematic washing of hands, the respect of the physical distance 1.50m between people and the compulsory wearing of the mask in public places and in particular:

  • Always cough or sneeze into your sleeves or elbow, never into the other's face or hands;
  • Use paper tissues to wipe your hands or face and then throw them in the trash and wash your hands afterwards;
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap or alcoholic water. It is also possible to use a "sanitizer";
  • Avoid contact with anyone with flu-like illness and invite them to seek treatment;
  • Avoid contact with vulnerable people if you are sick;
  • Avoid greetings like handshakes and kisses;
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth if you have not washed your hands;
  • Avoid gatherings of people.

See also :

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