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Haiti - Social : International Women's Day, message of reflection from Lesly Condé
08/03/2022 09:46:12

Haiti - Social : International Women's Day, message of reflection from Lesly Condé
This Tuesday, March 8, 2022, as part of International Women's Day, Lesly Condé Ex-Consul General of Haiti in Chicago (August 2004 - May 2018), delivered as every year a message of reflections that we invite you to read and share.

Message from Lesly Condé:

"Dear compatriots and friends from everywhere,

In the year 1977, the United Nations designated the eighth day of March as 'International Women's Day'. We all know that women deserve to be honored at all times because all the roles they have played since the beginnings of humanity make them incomparable, irreplaceable beings, worthy of respect and protection.

Indeed, we often consider women as fragile beings, vulnerable both physically and psychologically. We are quite right to think that it absolutely must be protected by society. However, when we consider the attributions, duties and obligations that have only been hers since the dawn of time, we discover that there is an unusual fortitude in her that places her well above man. Even when she is the mother of mankind and the ultimate guarantor of its survival, she behaves with such stoicism and such detachment that she is seen as the weaker sex.

However, even in the most advanced societies, the situation of women still leaves much to be desired. The workplace is, for the most part, male dominated, and sexual harassment is a reality that she must be prepared to face in one form or another at some point in her career. Alongside all these pressures and all the frustrations they generate, there is also the fact that she is still expected to perform equal if not superior to that of the men. It seems to me that equal pay for equal work should be the norm in any industry.

It is also worth talking about the physical violence that many women face by remaining silent. This should not be a taboo subject as this kind of violent behavior in the home is only escalating, and is likely to span generations. By condemning and, if necessary, punishing those who are guilty of violence against women in the home, we will build better societies. Everything is harmonious when the woman is well appreciated.

As for the Haitian woman, I am among those who think that she deserves very special consideration, very special respect. She represents in the eyes of all those who know her, an example of self-sufficiency. She is a caring mother, nurse, accountant, diplomat and much more. Our society has always relied on his resilience, courage, optimism and imagination. It was she who taught us not to be afraid to excel, to always aim high, and never to let ourselves sink into discouragement.

In closing, I wish you all an excellent 'International Women's Day'3 An environment where women flourish is an environment where life is good.

Thank you for your attention !"

Lesly Condé

Message from Lesly Condé in 2022 :

Messages from Lesly Condé in 2021 :

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