Haiti - Football : The doubled of Kervens Belfort gives the victory to Le Mans - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Football : The doubled of Kervens Belfort gives the victory to Le Mans
23/08/2011 16:44:29

Haiti - Football : The doubled of Kervens Belfort gives the victory to Le Mans
Saturday, Kervens Belfort was the man behind the success of his team (Le Mans) against Sedan (3-1). Scored twice, the young Haitian of 19 years has marked the spirits and does not intend to stop there.

Arriving at Le Mans in September 2010 Kervens Belfort, believes that he is well adapted to his new lifestyle. Kervens is one of the most active players of Le Mans on the ground.

Kervens Belfort for his second game at the MMArena, struck a great blow by registering a doubled that allows his team to take its first points in the championship [Le Mans now occupies the 16th place).

Dominated early in the game by Sedan, Le Mans scored a first goal in the 26th minute of play of the fourth day of Ligue 2 face to Sedan thanks to Kervens Belfort, on a center of Fousseyni Cissé and marks (1-0).

In the second half, Kervens Belfort shows another facet of his game by "taking of speed" the defense of Sedan and adjusting perfectly the opposing goal on a personal slalom in the defense of Sedan, concluded by a face to face won against Ramé to the 54th minute (2-0). "We worked a lot the offensive phases this wek ata the training [...] it's good for the morale."

Thanks to Cantini to the 64th minute, Sedan reviving the suspense (2-1), but the expulsion of Dembélé did not help their business and to the 74th minute Boudebouda took the opportunity to remake in the wake of the break (3-1).

Kervens Belfort is not afraid to show his ambitions. "This year, I have a objective of 12 goals, [...] When I read in the press that we need a new attacker for the club, I do not like that. These two goals is my answer to those who think that it is necessary to recruit to score. I'm here !"

After the game, the player has enjoyed his victory, "When I scored, I thought immediately to my family suffering in Haiti. They support me all the time and I imagine that they must celebrate."

You're right, the country is proud of you Kervens

See also :
https://www.haitilibre.com/article-6-haiti-sports-argentine-haiti-4-0.html (in french)

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