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iciHaiti - Contest game : The 7th edition of Interschool genius enters the semi-finals
24/05/2022 10:16:36

iciHaiti - Contest game : The 7th edition of Interschool genius enters the semi-finals
Launched on April 29, the 7th Edition of the "Inter-school genius 2022" contest game, organized jointly by the Ministry of National Education (MENFP), and the National Police of Haiti (PNH) via the Educational Community Police (EDUPOL), enters the semi-final phase this Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

Let's recall that the quarter-finals took place on Tuesday May 17 and Friday May 20, 2022 at the Gymnasium Vincent in Port-au-Prince.

During the first day, the Alexandre Pétion high school triumphed over the Jean Marie Vincent high school with a score of 296 to 225 points. Subsequently, the Institution Lydie Larivière Noël (240 points) would obtain its ticket for the semi-finals at the expense of the Anténor Firmin high school (216 points).

During the second day, the national high school of Pétion-Ville (274 points) got the better over the high school Marie-Jeanne (225 points), then the national high school of Carrefour-Feuilles (194 points) stood out from the high school Georges and Antoine Izmery (141 points).

The four teams qualified for the semi-finals are: Alexandre Pétion high school, Lydie Larivière Noël institution, Pétion-Ville national high school and Carrefour-Feuilles national high school.

According to Nesmy Manigat, Minister of National Education, School Genius is a framework for healthy intellectual competition, a meeting place between young people from different schools, from different neighborhoods. He also sees in it a pedagogy of competition "to win with modesty, to lose with elegance" underlines the Minister.

For Divisional Inspector Jimmy François, Head of the Educational Community Police (EduPol), behind this activity, there is the intention to fight against juvenile delinquency, alcohol and drug consumption, among other harmful facts. Divisional Inspector Françoi would like to see this competition spread across the country.

16 teams are taking part in this 7th edition of "Génie inter scolaire":

Alexandre Petion High School;
Horatius Laventure High School;
Jean-Marie Vincent high school
Georges and Antoine Izméry High School;
La Saline National High School;
Marie-Jeanne High School;
National High School of Pétion-Ville;
Carrefour-Leaves High School;
Antenor Firmin High School;
Guy Francois Malary High School;
Fritz Pierre-Louis High School;
College of Essential Pedagogical Sciences
Max Weber College;
Maranatha Mixed College;
Silo Village College;
Institution Lydie Larivière Noel.

S/ iciHaiti

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