
Haiti - FLASH : The State tackles embezzlement in the distribution of petroleum products. 05/09/2022 09:36:54
Faced with the fuel crisis that persists in Haiti and which has serious consequences for consumers and the economy, the State has adopted a whole series of measures to solve this problem once and for all, in particularly by tackling embezzlement in the distribution chain of petroleum products.
From now on, data relating to tanker trucks, such as their license plate, the products they transport and their delivery point will be collected on behalf of the Ministry of Trade and industry from the customs services, installed in the terminals.
In addition, clear and precise instructions have been issued by the Ministry of Justice and the Superior Council of the Judiciary. (CSPJ) respectively to the Government Commissioner and the Justices of the Peace in order to crack down rigorously against all those who engage in the sale of petroleum products on parallel markets https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37522-haiti-justice-the-public-prosecutor-s-office-of-pap-strikes-a-blow-at-the-fuel-black-market.html
In addition, the State, in agreement with the oil companies, has also taken the decision to increase the volume of orders for petroleum products above the current 67% mark in order to supply the market and avoid any shortage in coming.
Considering that gasoline is a strategic product, Ricardin Saint-Jean Dorcin, the Minister of Trade and Industry, invites all vital sectors of Haiti, unions, civil society to form a common front alongside State authorities to put an end to this fuel crisis.
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HL/ HaitiLibre