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Haiti - Cholera : 32% jump in hospitalizations in 24 hours
20/10/2022 10:14:57

Haiti - Cholera : 32% jump in hospitalizations in 24 hours
Situation and progression of cholera in Haiti as of October 16, 2022 according to data from the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories and Research of the Ministry of Public Health (latest data available):

October 16: (First confirmed case October 2, 2022)
Total suspected cases (including the national penitentiary): 877 cases +5.02% in 24 hours (previous: 835 suspected cases)
Anyone with acute watery, profuse diarrhea with or without vomiting and dehydration

Total confirmed cases (including the national penitentiary): 78 cases in 24 hours +0% (previous: 78 confirmed cases)
Any suspect or probable case with a positive culture for "Vibrio cholerae"

Total suspected cases hospitalized: 248 cases in 24 hours +31.9% (previous: 188 hospitalized)

Total institutional deaths (including the national penitentiary): 34 deaths +0% in 24 hours (previous: 34 deaths)

Distribution of suspected cases:
Less than 1 year: 13 cases (+)
1-4 years: 150 cases (+)
5-9 years: 93 cases (+)
10-14 years: 44 cases (+)
15-19 years old: 38 cases (+)
20-29 years old: 73 cases (+)
30-39 years old: 64 cases (+)
40-49 years: 49 cases (+)
50-59 years old: 39 cases (+)
60-69 years old: 19 cases (+)
70-79 years: 16 cases (=)
80 years and over: 3 cases ()

53.63% men
46.37% women

Samples received: 493 +0% (previous: 493 samples)
Tests performed: 493 +0% (previous: 493 samples)
Positivity rate: 13.4% (=)

Distribution of suspected cases:
Artibonite Department:
Saint-Marc: 1 case (=)
Green beetles: 1 case (+)
Saint-Michel: 1 case (=)
Gros Morne: 1 case (+)
Desdunes: 1 case (=)

Centre Department:
Mirebalais: 13 cases (=)
Saut-d’Eau: 1 case (=)

Nippes Department:
Small Hole: 2 cases (+)

West Department:
Cité Soleil: 294 cases (+7.69% in 24 hours)
Port-au-Prince: 221 cases (+2.31% in 24 hours)
Delmas: 36 cases (+28.57% in 24 hours)
Pétion-ville: 14 cases (+ 16.66% in 24 hours)
Tabarre: 8 cases (+300% in 24 hours)
Croix-des-Bouquets: 7 cases (+0% in 24 hours)
Crossroads: 3 Cases (+0% in 24 hours)

Cumulative National Penitentiary: (Data has not been updated by the Ministry and is as of October 12)
271 suspected cases +33.49% in 24 hours (the day before 203 suspected cases)
12 Confirmed cases +0 in 24 hours (the day before 12 confirmed cases)
14 Deaths +16.66% in 24 hours (the day before 12 deaths)

News : Suspected cholera cases continue to rise in Haiti. While the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN are concerned about an epidemic outbreak in Haiti in an increasingly degraded security context.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), to support the action of the health authorities, has already opened four Cholera Treatment Centers (CTC) in Port-au-Prince and its surroundings, i.e. a capacity of 205 beds: in the Turgeau district, in Cité Soleil, Champ de Mars, Raoul-Pierre-Louis Hospital (Carrefour).

"We have water purification activities mainly in Carrefour. And we are also strengthening awareness of barrier measures in the most affected neighborhoods such as Brooklyn, Cité Soleil, Carrefour-Feuilles, Bel-Air and Delmas 24," explained Auguste Victor Ngantse le, Medical Coordinator for MSF - Haiti, adding "We don't know exactly what caused the resurgence of cholera in the country, on the other hand, in the slums like the Cité Soleil where we started to identify the first cases, there were very favorable elements such as insalubrity, promiscuity or difficult access to drinking water. »

Previous bulletin : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37921-haiti-cholera-835-suspected-cases-and-34-dead-in-3-departments.html

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